
Issue - meetings

Building Confidence in Coalville - Procuring Specialist Advisors

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Building Confidence in Coalville - Procuring Specialist Advisors pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Leader


The Leader presented the report to members, seeking their approval of the direction of travel for the project.  He referred to the background work undertaken in 2010 by the Prince’s Foundation, which had identified the four streets and squares in Coalville.  He highlighted the successes so far in the regeneration of Coalville, including the redevelopment of the former Pick and Shovel site, the ongoing Shop Fronts Improvement Scheme, and the improvements to the market and car park area. 


The Leader stated that the Council had a proven track record of working with public sector partners, and accommodating those partners within the Council Offices had worked well for all.  He added that the willingness of public and private sector partners to participate in the project would need to be assessed.  He advised that the Department for Work and Pensions had expressed an interest in moving into the Council Offices, and major works would be required to the building to ensure it was fit for purpose.  He highlighted the timescales and stated that work would need to be completed quickly to accommodate this.


The Leader made reference to paragraph 2.6 in the report and advised that interviews had now taken place in respect of the newly created post and an appointment would soon be made, which would provide the impetus to move the project forward. 


Councillor N J Rushton expressed support for the proposals and advised that the cost of the feasibility study was already provided for in existing budgets.  He added that the interest from the DWP was good news and would provide an opportunity to deal with the layout of the reception area and to attempt to make the building greener.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




a)    The direction of travel for the Coalville project be approved;


b)    Access to the Scape major works framework be approved to commence the feasibility stage of phase 1 of the building confidence in Coalville project using existing budgets;

c)    Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to enter into all necessary agreements in support of recommendation 2;

d)    Authority be delegated to the Head of Finance and the Chief Executive to negotiate and agree heads of terms, lease and associated documents with the Department for Work and Pensions; and

e)    The proposed project update structure at part 6 of this report be approved.


Reason for decision: To seek Cabinet’s authority to award the professional services contracts to support the Coalville project.