
Issue - meetings

The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2016/17 and Prudential Indicators 2016/17 to 2018/19

Meeting: 09/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 80)

80 The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2016/17 and Prudential Indicators 2016/17 to 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 480 KB

Report of the Head of Finance

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder


The Interim Director of Resources presented the report to Members. He advised Members that it was an annual report and that the proposed statement complied with statutory, regulatory and professional requirements.


He informed Members that specific roles and responsibilities were identified, that an independent treasury advisor was utilised and that the treasury management activity was regularly reported to the Audit and Governance Committee.


Councillor N J Rushton supported the report and highlighted that the purpose of the statement was set out in section 2.1.


It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and






A.  Re-adopt the CIPFA Treasury Management in Public Services: Code of Practice.


B.    Recommend the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2016/17, Prudential Indicators -revised 2015/16 and 2016/17 to 2018/19, and the Annual Minimum Revenue Provision Statement, for approval by Full Council.


Reason for decision: These are statutory requirements.