
Issue - meetings

Waste Recycling Credits

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 47)

Waste Recycling Credits Update

Report of the Director of Services

Presented by the Community Services Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Community Services Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


She advised Members that after the last meeting the Authority wrote to Leicestershire County Council seeking clarity on the proposals and the timeline for the process, and how they intended to consult on the proposed arrangements with the District and Borough Council Partners. She informed Members that the response that had been received was a generic one and did not answer the questions asked, and that since the publication of the agenda a further letter had been received requesting information by 19 September, which had not been possible to do. She asked Members to agree that a further letter be sent to request the clarification that had been requested previously.


It was moved by Councillor A V Smith, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and






1.    Notes the report and actions taken since the last Cabinet meeting.


2.    Agrees to send a further letter to LCC seeking clarification on the timeline and process to be followed for 2014/15 and 2015/16 onwards


3.    Notes the implications for the District Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) also on the Cabinet Agenda.


Reason for decision: For Cabinet to note the financial impact of the potential withdrawal of recycling credits from 15/16 onwards.