
Issue - meetings

District-wide Weekly Food Waste Collections

Meeting: 20/08/2024 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 District-wide Weekly Food Waste Collections pdf icon PDF 393 KB

The report of the Strategic Director of Communities

Presented by the Communities and Climate Change Portfolio Holder


The Communities and Climate Change Portfolio Holder presented the report.


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor A Woodman, and




  1. The additional expenditure of £92,072 to fund the shortfall resulting from the further funding request not being approved by DEFRA be approved.
  2. The receipt of £1,062,066 new burdens capital funding from DEFRA to introduce weekly separate food waste collections be noted.
  3. The intention to purchase food waste containers under an existing three-year contract awarded to IPL Global by Cabinet in August 2022 be noted.
  4. The award of one or more contract up to the value of £895,542 for the purchase of food waste vehicles be agreed, and authority be delegated to the Head of Community Services in agreement with the Strategic Director of Resources and Portfolio Holder to finalise and enter into the necessary agreements.
  5. The additions to the Capital Programme in relation to the food waste collection vehicles of £895,542 and food waste containers of £258, 596 funded from a DEFRA capital grant of £1,062,066 and the remaining £92,072 funded from the business rates reserve and recommends it to Council for approval at is meeting on 10 September 2024.


Reason for decision: The Environment Act 2021 requires all local authorities in England to provide statutory weekly separate food waste collections to all households by 31 March 2026.