
Issue - meetings

2024/25 Capital Projects Update

Meeting: 13/08/2024 - Coalville Special Expenses Working Party (Item 4)

4 2024/25 Capital Projects Update pdf icon PDF 203 KB

The report of the Leisure Services Team Manager

Additional documents:


The Leisure Services Team Manager presented the report.


Members sought clarification on the reference to the agreement between NWLDC and LCC about the relocation of the Mother and Child Statue on the High Street. The Head of Property and Economic Regeneration said that he felt this related to work to make good the previous location of the statue, but he would confirm this with Members outside of the meeting


A Member was concerned that there was no budget allocated to mitigate overflowing bins in Coalville Park and hoped this could be addressed.


A discussion was had about the budget allocated to Scotlands Recreation Ground Bowls Pavilion access road pothole repairs. Officers advised that for the year 2024/25 all the budget allocated towards the repairs would come from the Special Expenses Budget. This would be considered during the 2025/26 budget consultation process, and it was possible that in the future some funding may come from the General Fund.


The Chairman commended the success of Coalville in Bloom, and the feedback received for the display at Broomleys Leys corner.


The Chairman said that Greenhill Tenants Association wanted to raise funds for improving play facilities and wanted to take part in the Community Lottery Fund to do so. It was agreed that the Chairman would provide the Leisure Services Team Manager with contact details for the Tenants Association.


By affirmation of the meeting it was,




The progress updates on the 2023/24 Capital Projects and the projects included within the 2024/25 Asset Management Plan be noted.