Issue - meetings

Housing and Employment land update

Meeting: 22/05/2024 - Local Plan Committee (Item 6)

6 Housing and Employment land update pdf icon PDF 269 KB

The report of the Principal Planning Officers


The Principal Planning Policy Officers presented the report.


Members discussed possible changes to the employment allocation at Money Hill, expressing some concern at the envisaged reduction as requested by developers. The Principal Planning Policy Officers advised that the Development Control team had received an Environmental Impact Scoping Opinion, which proposed a lesser amount of employment land. They had not yet seen a justification, so this was simply something to note as an emerging issue in the context of the Local Plan as a totality. The Head of Planning and Infrastructure also updated Members in respect of issues related to the River Mease Special Area of Conservation.


A Member asked for an update on the rescinding of the HS2 legislation. Officers advised that this was planned for summer 2024, although officers noted the unpredictable political context, nationally.


A Member asked about the current status of the five year land supply and when it was likely to run out. The Principal Planning Policy Officer advised that Officers were currently finalising the five year housing trajectory and then would be able to do the relevant calculations. The NPPF guidance had also been changed at the end of 2023 and this had impacted calculations.


A Member asked about the underutilisation of employment land and how this was reflected in the Plan. The Principal Planning Policy Officer noted the challenges of predicting future employment trends, but ultimately Officers had to make the best predictions they could after consulting with the relevant experts. Flexibility must also be built into the finalised Plan.


Members and Officers discussed how the envisaged Freeport impinged on the Plan, and Officers noted that the Council was now just a consultee on the application for a Development Consent Order, and Officers thus could not give definitive answers, though further details would be forthcoming in future meetings.


A Member inquired about the use of consultants in respect of employment forecasts and how their track record of success, or otherwise, was determined. Officer advised that there was a number of ways to produce forecasts and that planning guidance recommended utilising a variety of methods, comparatively and holistically. Officers sought references when appointing consultants and they frequently consulted with other local authorities before hiring a given consultant.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor M Ball, and




The housing and employment position as at April 2024 as set out in the report be noted.