Issue - meetings
2024/25 Quarter 2 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Finance Update
Meeting: 09/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 89)
89 2024/25 Quarter 2 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Finance Update PDF 415 KB
The report of the Strategic Director of Resources
Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Revenue Position, item 89 PDF 186 KB
- Appendix 2 - Capital Programme, item 89 PDF 188 KB
The Strategic Director of Resources presented the report on behalf of the Corporate Portfolio Holder.
The Housing, Property and Customer Services Portfolio Holder noted the recurring recruitment issues, some progress had been made but there was more to be done. He also welcomed the results of getting empty properties back into use, which had provided extra income for the authority and additional housing for residents.
It was moved by Councillor A Woodman, seconded by Councillor K Merrie and
1. The forecast underspend on the Housing Revenue Account 2024/25 of £1,028k based on quarter 2 information be noted.
- The revised housing capital forecast detailed in appendix 2 be noted.
Reason for decision: To update Cabinet on Quarter 2 2024/25 and request approval for supplementary estimates as detailed in the recommendations below.