
Issue - meetings

Minutes of the Coalville Special Expenses Working Party

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Minutes of the Coalville Special Expenses Working Party pdf icon PDF 116 KB

The report of the Strategic Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Business and Regeneration Portfolio Holder presented the report.


The Chair queried why the CSEWP had not made recommendations to Cabinet on this occasion.


It was moved by Councillor T Gillard, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




1)    The minutes of the Coalville Special Expenses Working Party at Appendix 1 be noted.

2)    Any recommendations made by the Working Party at its meeting on 15 August 2023 be considered.


Reason for Decision: So that the decisions of the Coalville Special Expenses Working Party can be considered.