Issue - meetings

Lockington and Hemington Neighbourhood plan - Response to Submission Version

Meeting: 05/07/2023 - Local Plan Committee (Item 6)

6 Lockington and Hemington Neighbourhood plan - Response to Submission Version pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Report of the Planning Policy Team Manager


Additional documents:


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report.


A member commended the parish for producing the Neighbourhood Plan.


It was agreed that a reference to consultation with the local Member be added to resolutions three and four.


In response to a question about what support from the Council is given to the smaller parishes unable, due to their size, to create neighbourhood  plans, the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that the Council always gave what support they could in the consultation process, and there was also national government funded aid available in this process.


In response to a question about which parishes have Neighbourhood Plans, the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that it was Council policy to encourage their production throughout the district; discussions and processes were ongoing towards that end; and the number was increasing slowly but surely.


A Member commended the Neighbourhood Plan which was just coming to fruition in their ward.


In response to a question about environmental and ecological concerns and whether they had been considered in the report, the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that Neighbourhood Plans generally had a positive impact on environmental and ecological protection, and for this particular plan these concerns featured prominently.


It was moved by Councillor Legrys, seconded by Councillor Moult and, subject to amendment,




  1. The proposed response to the submission draft of the Lockington-Hemington Neighbourhood Plan in Appendix A be approved.
  2. The consultation period for the Lockington-Hemington Neighbourhood Plan be noted.
  3. Following receipt of the Independent Examiner’s Report the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Infrastructure and the local ward member will determine whether the conditions have been met for the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to referendum be approved.
  4. Following the referendum and if time does not allow for a report to this committee, the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Infrastructure and the local ward member, will determine whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be ‘made’.