
Issue - meetings

Draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget and Rents 2024/25

Meeting: 09/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget and Rents 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 425 KB

The report of the Strategic Director of Resources

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder


Additional documents:


The Housing, Property and Customer Services Portfolio Holder presented the report.


The Chair emphasised that getting the Housing Portfolio in order was a key Alliance priority.


It was moved by Councillor N Rushton, seconded by Councillor A Woodman and




The following be proposed for consultation:


  • The Draft 2024/25 Housing Revenue Account Budget
  • The rent increase
  • The Draft MTFP for 2024/25 to 2028/29
  • The Draft 2024/25 Budget Proposals
  • The Draft 2024/25 Fees and Charges


As contained within the report.


Reason for decision: To allow Cabinet to consider the Housing Revenue Account Budget 2024/25.