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2023/24 Quarter 1 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Finance Update

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 2023/24 Quarter 1 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Finance Update pdf icon PDF 776 KB

The report of the Strategic Director of Resources

Additional documents:


The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report.


The Chair noted that all Members of the Cabinet had confidence in the Portfolio Holder’s command of the role.


It was moved by Councillor N. Rushton, seconded by Councillor K Merrie, and




1)    The forecasted overspend on General Fund for 2023/24 of £242k based on Quarter 1 information be noted.

2)    The Special Expenses forecasted outturn figures for 2023/24 based on Quarter 1 information be noted.

3)    The forecasted overspend on the Housing Revenue Account for 2023/24 of £463k based on Quarter 1 information be noted.

4)    The supplementary estimates detailed in Appendix 2(c) which are below £100k and are externally funded be noted.

5)    The supplementary estimates detailed on Appendix 2(c) which are above £100k and are externally funded be approved.

6)    All supplementary estimates detailed on Appendix 2(c) which require Council funding be approved.

7)    The supplementary estimates detailed on Appendix 2(c) which are above £250k and are externally funded, which were approved by full Council on 5 September 2023, be noted.

8)    The revised 2023/24 General Fund Capital Programme budget detailed in Appendix 5 as approved by full Council on 5 September 2023 be noted.

9)    The revised Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme detailed in Appendix 9 be noted.


Reason for Decision: To update Cabinet on Quarter 1 and request approval for supplementary estimates as detailed in the recommendations below.