
Issue - meetings

Recycle More Update and the Future Development of the Waste Service

Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Recycle More Update and the Future Development of the Waste Service pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Report of the Director of Community Services

Presented by the Community Services Portfolio Holder


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Community Services presented the report.


A member welcomed the news that the Council was ranked eight out of thirty-nine councils in the East Midlands region as set out in the report.


Members called for all-party support on the matter and emphasised the value of the all-party working group.


A member noted that recycling was certainly a valuable service, but it was also a particularly costly service, and they requested that the working party take that into consideration.


It was moved by Councillor Wyatt, seconded by Councillor Woodman and




  1. Comments on the progress achieved to date by Recycle More be noted.
  2. The creation of an all member workshop be approved.
  3. The addition of the Waste Services Review to the Community Scrutiny programme be approved.


Reason for decision: To provide an update on the progress being made in

recycling across the district and agree to commence a review of the service.