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Issue - meetings

NWL Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and Strategy

Meeting: 27/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 95)

95 NWL Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and Strategy pdf icon PDF 395 KB

The report of the Strategic Director of Communities

Presented by the Community Services Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Community and Climate Change Portfolio Holder presented the report.


The Chair suggested that better access to Central Government funding was important, and that developing a coherent and interconnected cycling network for the district was possible, desirable and important for further regenerating the district.


A Member suggested that this report would leave the organisation well prepared for when the ex-HS2 funding pot became available following the recent announcement from Central Government


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor R Blunt, and




The North West Leicestershire Cycling and Walking Strategy 2022-2032 and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan be adopted.


Reason for decision: to help secure funding, whether as part of new developments or via other means, in order to enable delivery of the improvements as highlighted in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. It will also from part of the evidence base for the Council’s new Local Plan.


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