Issue - meetings

Draft Capital Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators

Meeting: 10/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 54)

54 Draft Capital Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators pdf icon PDF 324 KB

The Report of the Head of Finance/Section 151 Officer.

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report and outlined the proposed changes for the Capital Strategy and minimum revenue provision to delay the revenue impact of the Capital Programme. The proposal to split the Capital Programme into two elements was summarised, these included separating active capital schemes and non-active capital schemes, which would allow for greater scrutiny. The second change entailed how the capital programme would be financed. It was noted that new schemes starting from 2023/24 would see no new borrowing


It was moved by Councillor N Rushton, seconded by Councillor K Merrie and




The Draft Capital Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators for Statutory Consultation be agreed. 


Reason for decision: Required as part of the 2023/24 budget setting process.