Issue - meetings

Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part 1: Baseline Infrastructure Capacity Report

Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Local Plan Committee (Item 25)

25 Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part 1: Baseline Infrastructure Capacity Report pdf icon PDF 330 KB

Report of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure.


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The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager presented the report and highlighted that this would be a key part of the Local Plan which must be supported by evidence and new infrastructure.


It was noted that the authority had agreed a number of new dwellings in order to accommodate Leicester’s unmet need and that the need for infrastructure would be greater as the amount of development would be greater.


Officers informed the meeting that several new primary schools, secondary schools and additional healthcare provision would be required and that electricity supply would be a challenge.


Members suggested that things such as wildlife corridors, active cycle and walkways and bus services should be considered.


A member asked whether the Council could pre-empt the requirements on matters such as highways. Officers advised that this would be something which could be revisited following the next phase of the study. The meeting was informed that following consideration of preferred sites, the authority would commission transport modelling.


It was moved by Councillor D Harrison, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




The findings from Part 1 of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan be noted.




Following on from this item, the committee’s attention was drawn to a copy of a letter which had been circulated by the Secretary of State which set out the Government’s thinking on the Planning and Levelling Up Bill that was going through Parliament and other possible changes to the planning system .


A member asked what the impact of this would be on the Local Plan and was advised that at present, officers would be unable to say until further details had been provided. It was noted that the abolition of the Duty to Cooperate was discussed in this document.


A member requested that this document be circulated to all members of the Council and officers agreed that this would be done.