
Issue - meetings

2023/24 Events Report

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Coalville Special Expenses Working Party (Item 6)

6 2023/24 Events Report pdf icon PDF 898 KB

Report of the Head of Property and Regeneration


The Head of Economic Regeneration presented the report.


A Member noted that the total events budget of £84,440 minus the actual allotted budget of £84,000 left £440 aside for contingencies. He sought reassurances that this was prudent and deliverable.


The Head of Economic Regeneration acknowledged the risks associated, but advised that they had good knowledge of the costs from previous years and added that the budget was simply very tight. The first event of the year had been delivered on budget and the next one remained on track to be delivered within budget as well.


In response to a question in relation to the Christmas lights, the Head of Economic Regeneration explained the storage processes utilised and the contingencies in place should something go awry.


In response to a question in relation to grass cutting at Coalville Park and whether it had been financed from special expenses budget, the Head of Economic Regeneration said their understanding was that this was not the case and it had not come out of the Working Party budget; they added that the Council had also participated in ‘No Mow May’ to aid the health of flora and fauna.


It was noted that there had been resident complaints about the length of grass and accepted that this was perhaps not relevant to anywhere on the agenda.


The Chair asked if anybody had any Coronation event feedback.


A Member said it was a well patronised, well organised, and excellent event.


A Member inquired about the tender process for the Christmas lights.


In response to a question about the tender process for the Christmas lights, the Head of Economic Regeneration advised that they were under a three-year tender.


A Member inquired whether there would be a Christmas tree in Marlborough Square and what might happen to the allotted money in place if something were to go awry.


The Head of Economic Regeneration said there was currently a report going to cabinet with regards to that matter.


The Chair said that all members of the Working Party agreed that there was a need for more events in Coalville; the Chair was in discussions with the new administration to put on more events, without it coming out of the Working Party budget. They hoped next year to provide more, though this year they emphasized that options were limited. They implored members to come forward with suggestions.


A Member inquired whether these events would be decentralised within the entire boundaries of the area the Working Party represented.


The Chair hoped and intended for this to be the case.


It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




1.    That the progress made against the 2023/24 events programme be noted.


That the proposed date of the CSEWP events sub-group meeting on 29 June be noted.