Issue - meetings

Local Plan Review: Response to Consultation - Employment Policies

Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Local Plan Committee (Item 16)

16 Local Plan Review: Response to Consultation - Employment Policies pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Report of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure


Additional documents:


The Principal Planning Policy Officer presented the report drawing attention to the fact that in current policy Ec2(2) there had been debate over the terms ‘need’ and ‘demand’ and noting that in future, it had been decided to use the word ‘requirement.’


It was noted that the report covered an overview of the consultation responses which overall were in favour of retaining Policy Ec2 (2) in some form and the need to maintain the preferred policy but to make this more stringent.


Members congratulated officers on a thorough report and stated that having a vision for employment development outside of primary employment areas would be positive. A member asked whether the authority should specify what type of business should be permitted in order that, for example, there would be minimal disruption to residents from industrial noise or heavy transport. Officers acknowledged that there could not be a ‘blanket ban’ on certain uses however stated that more specific amenity considerations would be added into the policy.


Members asked whom had been consulted in the consideration of start-up workspace and officers replied that the consultation which had been referred to was carried out between January and March 2022 and had included parishes, public, landowners and developers. It was confirmed that the consultation had been advertised to public in the press, social media, parishes and through Neighbourhood Plan groups.


Councillor J Geary informed the meeting that the Springboard Centre had a waiting list for specific units and asked officers if the Centre had been considered as existing provision. Officers responded that it had been considered in the preparation of the evidence base and affirmed that there would be demand for this type of facility.


Councillor J Geary stated that he felt there was a need for more smaller industrial units but that few were available. Officers agreed to contact the authority’s Economic Development Team in order that the Springboard Centre can engage in a dialogue with them regarding the need for this type of provision.



It was moved by Councillor R Morris, seconded by Councillor D Harrison and




i.       The policy set out in appendix b for future public consultation as a replacement for adopted local plan policy ec2(2) be agreed.

ii.      The policy approach for start-up premises set out at paragraph 4.16 of this report for future public consultation be agreed.

iii.     The policy approach for local employment plans set out at paragraph 5.11 of this report be agreed.