Issue - meetings
Former Tenant Rent Arrears, Current Tenant Rent Arrears, Council Tax, Non Domestic Rates and Sundry Debtor Write Offs
Meeting: 20/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 38)
The report of the Strategic Director.
Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder.
The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to members, advising of debts which had exceeded £10,000 and sought approval to write them off in the best interests of financial management. It was highlighted that should it become feasible to pursue these debts at a later date, then appropriate action would be taken to do so.
It was moved by Councillor N Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Bayliss and
Non-Domestic rates write offs that are over £10,000 be approved.
Reason for Decision: To comply with proper accounting practices.