Issue - meetings

Zero Carbon Roadmap Update

Meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Zero Carbon Roadmap Update pdf icon PDF 545 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Community Services Portfolio Holder


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The Community Services Portfolio Holder presented the report to members. He noted the successes of year two and the proposed key activities for year three. He highlighted the requests for funding for LED lighting in public car parks and electrical charging point installations that would be drawn from the Zero Carbon reserve.


A member noted that the Council had brought eighty-six of the least performing energy efficiency homes from band E and below to band C, and that considerable focus was being put on improving the   energy efficiency of the Council’s housing stock.


Cabinet considered that our Zero Carbon targets remained very important  and action on measures within   the Council’s control should be supported.


It was moved by Councillor A Woodman, seconded by Councillor R Bayliss and




  1. The progress that has been made with year 2 of the Zero Carbon Roadmap be noted; and


  1. The proposed actions and spend for year 3 of the Zero Carbon Roadmap be approved


  1. It be recommended to Council that:


a)     £75,000 for LED lighting in public car parks; and


b)     £50,000 for electrical charging point installations


         be added to the Council’s capital programme.


Reason for Decision: To progress with the Zero Carbon Roadmap