Issue - meetings
Planninng Enforcement Update Q3 2022/23
Meeting: 07/02/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 49)
49 Planninng Enforcement Update Q3 2022/23 PDF 427 KB
Report of the Planning and Development Team Manager
The Planning and Development Team Manager presented the report and highlighted that the number of cases the team had received in Quarter 3 had been less than usual, and this was attributed to the time of year but had also been reflective of the wider economy, but that this would be monitored moving forward. It was noted that the team had predominantly been investigating householder type matters.
A staffing update on the Enforcement Team was provided, with members being informed that currently the team were operating with two Enforcement Officers and had lost agency staff, however interviews were scheduled for an additional Enforcement Officer and funding had requested for an Enforcement Team Leader, which would bring the team back to full strength. Due to these relatively low staffing levels, officers apologised that it had been taking longer than hoped to carry out investigations, but advised it was hoped that this would be temporary whilst new staff had been sought.
It was moved by Councillor D Harrison, seconded by Councillor J Bridges and
The report be noted.