Budget and Council Tax 2022/23
Meeting: 01/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 80)
80 Budget and Council Tax 2022/23 PDF 672 KB
Report of the Strategic Director
Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1a - General Fund Budget Proposals over 15,000, item 80 PDF 503 KB
- Appendix 1b - General Fund Fees and charges Changes, item 80 PDF 370 KB
- Appendix 1c - General Fund Budget Summary, item 80 PDF 146 KB
- Appendix 2a - Housing Revenue Account Proposal over 15,000, item 80 PDF 482 KB
- Appendix 2b - Housing Revenue Account Service Charges, item 80 PDF 347 KB
- Appendix 2c - Housing Revenue Account Fees and Charges, item 80 PDF 346 KB
- Appendix 2d - Housing Revenue Account Budget Summary, item 80 PDF 30 KB
- Appendix 3a - General Fund Capital Programme, item 80 PDF 154 KB
- Appendix 3b - Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme, item 80 PDF 205 KB
- Appendix 4 - Special Expenses Budget Summary, item 80 PDF 603 KB
- Appendix 5a - General fund and special expenses budget survey responses, item 80 PDF 414 KB
- Appendix 5b - HRA budget survey responses, item 80 PDF 389 KB
- Additional Papers, item 80 PDF 410 KB
The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report, updating Cabinet on the results of the statutory budget consultation.
It was noted that at present the budget balanced, however in the medium term there remained some uncertainty.
Members informed the meeting that in a recent Tenant’s Consultation, tenants were in favour of a rent increase in order to maintain the high standard of housing which was currently provided.
It was also noted that during the consultation, the public were in favour of a freeze in Council Tax rates.
It was moved by Councillor N Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Bayliss and
1. The General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Special Expense budgets be recommended to Council .
This included:
A) The district’s share of council tax in 2022/23 be frozen
B) Rents be increased by up to 4.1%
C) Special expense precepts be changed as detailed in section 5
D) Fees and charges be changed as detailed in appendices 1b, 2b and 2c
2. The S151 assurance statement given in section 5 be noted; and
3. Authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Corporate Portfolio Holder, to make minor amendments to the budget to improve its accuracy prior to consideration at Council on 24 February 2022
Reason for decision: Required as part of the 2022/23 budget process.