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Issue - meetings

Customer Service Strategy

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Customer Service Strategy pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Report of the Strategic Director

Presented by the Housing, Property and Customer Services Portfolio Holder.

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The report was presented by the Housing, Property and Customer Services Portfolio Holder, in order to seek Cabinet approval of the new Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2025.


It was noted that Covid had had an impact on the way that customers interacted with the authority and that the majority were now preferring to make contact via ‘phone, email or website. Members commented that with the advent of the new customer service centre however, that could change, as it would be easier for customers to initiate face to face contact.


Members felt that web chat was a good mode of contact but noted that in their personal experience, they had found chat bots to be unsatisfactory. The Chief Executive confirmed that web chat would form a part of the Customer Service Strategy going forward, but stressed that the authority would remain mindful of the importance of customers always having the opportunity to contact the Council in person.


It was moved by Councillor R Bayliss seconded by Councillor R Blunt and



  1. The Customer Service Experience Strategy 2022-2025 be approved.
  2. The draft action plan contained in Annex 4 be approved and authority to finalise it, post the accommodation move of the Customer Services Centre be delegated to the Director with responsibility for Customer Services.


Reason for decision: The previous Customer Service Strategy has expired and to ensure the Council retains its focus of putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. A new strategy is needed to set a clear commitment and plan for the organisation and our customers.




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