Issue - meetings

Local Plan Review - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

Meeting: 07/07/2021 - Local Plan Committee (Item 13)

13 Local Plan Review - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy pdf icon PDF 666 KB

Report of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure


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The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report and referred Members to the amended recommendations set out in the update sheet due to an error in the original report.


Members acknowledged the work undertaken by officers to date and recognised that this was the start of a long journey to make the District greener and more efficient.


In relation to the preferred options as part of the public consultation, a Member felt that the approach of listing the preferred options could seem too leading.  In response, the Planning Policy Team Manager explained that the intention was to list the options as preferred at this time as they were based on the information currently available.  It was noted that the process had yet to commence but it was made clear that the approach may have to be changed going forward as more information became available.


Members welcomed the fabric first approach to minimise the need for energy consumption, but reference was made to the current Planning Bill going through parliament and concerns were raised that officers could be setting a target that was moving and therefore unachievable or possibly contradictory to the Planning Bill.  The Chairman acknowledged that targets were moving but felt it was important to include it to keep control.  The Planning Policy Team Manager agreed and added that if a plan was submitted that went over and above legislation then there was a risk that it could be found to be unsound.  A further comment was made on the potential policy wording for the fabric first approach as it was felt that there would be a temptation for developers to install cheaper systems which were expensive to run.  Officers were asked to look at the wording and a suggestion was made to add a note to discourage the installation of electric storage heaters.  The Planning Policy Team Manager agreed to investigate this further.


A Member queried the inclusion of paragraph 2g in the potential policy wording at appendix 1, as it did not seem to be included in the NPPF.  The wording was taken from current policy and did not seem achievable.  The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that along with the NPPF, there was also a Ministerial Statement to consider, and this paragraph was most likely from that.  In relation to the Ministerial Statement, officers were asked that due to the statement being made in 2016, was it necessary for paragraph 2(g) and 3(a) of the potential policy wording to be included in the Local Plan. The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that it was a fact that the Ministerial Statement was still in place and although it was made some years ago, it could not be ignored. 


In relation to the Carbon offset fund, although still in its early stages, a Member felt that that the options were very binary and it was important to look at this in more detail going forward to allow carbon rates to improve.  It was suggested that officers look at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13