Issue - meetings
Capital Projects Update
Meeting: 12/10/2021 - Coalville Special Expenses Working Party (Item 14)
14 Capital Projects Update PDF 650 KB
Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager
The Leisure Services Team Manager presented the report which provided an update on existing projects that already have approved budget or funding in place. An additional update was provided verbally on the successful bid to
the Local Authority Treescapes fund, which gives 100% funding for the planting of trees along with a 3-year maintenance contribution. The report included a number of issues on which a preference and /or a decision of members was being sought.
On the issue of the solar lights, an update was provided by the Cultural Services Team Manager who advised that had she made some assumptions due to the lack of further information which had not been forthcoming from the Coalville Community Action Group, who submitted the request. Discussions with providers suggested that there was no product which could be recommended for use in public areas due to issues around the longevity of the product; and the lack of light in the winter months to provide sufficient solar charge. There are also issues around the positioning of the lights to take into account mitigation against anti-social behaviour which would impact on the overall visual effect. Further complications were around the power source given the location; and with batteries proving to be expensive and prone to theft.
The Chairman invited comments and questions.
Councillor M Wyatt made some observations. In relation to the consultation on the park improvement options, it was clear that option one was preferred by local residents and he considered this the most practical option. He asked that a task and finish group be set up to look at the play equipment in play areas to determine if equipment needed to be replaced or if a saving could be effected to Coalville Special Expenses by removing equipment and using the area in a different way. On the decision as to whether the trees be replaced, he considered this essential and that we should not give in to vandalism and he welcomed the continuation of Coalville in Bloom. He was pleased to see that the application was to be submitted in respect of solar panels for the bowls club and hoped for its success; and he agreed with the views of officers that the solar lights in the trees was not feasible and felt that having permanent lights in situ detracted from the effect of having Christmas lights.
Coalville J Geary supported the comments in relation to Coalville in Bloom adding that it was in the gift of members to agree the level of funding and he urged caution about the planting of trees on verges where there may be an adverse effect on the infrastructure beneath. He sought clarification on the height of the cemetery wall as he considered it higher than the reported 1.2 metres. He was advised that the cemetery wall was 2 metres high and the 1.2 metres was one of the replacement options; there was a further option of a ‘like for like’ replacement. Councillor Geary advised therefore that his ... view the full minutes text for item 14