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Issue - meetings

2021/22 Quarter 3 Performance Report

Meeting: 29/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 106)

106 2021/22 Quarter 3 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 453 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Leader

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The Leader presented the report, providing members with information on the performance and progress made against the Council Delivery Plan actions.


Progress been made against the Council’s 5 key priority areas.


Members were invited to comment.


Councillor A Woodman offered the meeting his observations and updates. With regard to the Newmarket, members were informed that 68 businesses had traded from there including a new permanent food trader. Footfall in March was markedly increased. Events are planned and it is picking up well and had received good feedback. It was noted that the Newmarket would be a long journey but that it had made strong positive progress.


A member offered a personal observation on the positive impact of the new Whitwick and Coalville Leisure Centre, which had received good feedback and was noted to be very well attended.


Members were updated on the Zero Litter Campaign, and informed that the “Wombles” had been invited to attend joint meetings with the authority whereby long-term strategies had been jointly discussed. Members offered full support in any effort to reduce litter as it continued to be a noticeable problem.


In respect of the Zero Carbon target, it was noted that waste vehicles now run on HVO fuel using 90% less CO2.


Councillor T Gillard informed the meeting that despite the ongoing pandemic, the Economic Development team continued to provide key frontline services to support businesses and informed members that businesses had participated in training, supported by the team, which led to improved sales and customer engagement. Members congratulated the team on the work they had done and thanked them for their efforts.


Councillor R Bayliss updated members on the planned objectives for delivering council homes, which had been below target. However, it was noted that this was due to complications beyond the authority’s control and that several sites had been earmarked for new developments in the coming months.


It was noted that customer services had been steadily improving and that customer satisfaction had also improved, with the use of online forms and the number of online accounts having risen.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and




Progress against the corporate objectives and performance indicators for Quarter 3 2021/22 be noted.


Reason for decision: To report Quarter 3 Council Delivery Plan performance.



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