Issue - meetings
Diseworth Village Design Statement
Meeting: 09/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 116)
116 Diseworth Village Design Statement PDF 319 KB
Report of the Strategic Director of
Presented by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Diseworth Village Design Statement, item 116
PDF 304 KB
- Enc. 2 for Diseworth Village Design Statement , View reasons restricted (116/3)
Councillor Robert Ashman presented the report to Cabinet on a request from Diseworth and Long Whatton Parish Council to adopt a revised Village Design Statement for Diseworth as a Supplementary Planning Document.
It was noted that, following the decision of Cabinet in January 2018, the Diseworth and Long Whatton Parish Council were contacted to advise them of the need to consider reviewing the Village Design Statement (VDS) to be retained. It was agreed with the Parish Council that the revised VDS needed to be the subject of consultation before it could be submitted to the District Council.
The VDS is considered compatible with the adopted Local Council’s Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), helping to provide a local dimension that these documents alone cannot do. In terms of governance, formulation of an SPD is an Executive function but adoption is a Council function, which has been delegated to the Local Plan Committee.
Therefore, Cabinet is asked to request that the Local Plan Committee approve that the draft SPD go out to public consultation. Following the public consultation, a further report amending the draft SPD will then need to be brought back to Cabinet with amendments having been made pursuant to the consultation response, recommending that Local Plan Committee approve the revised draft SPD.
Cabinet was advised that the next Local Plan Committee was scheduled for 29 July 2020. Subject to the agreement of Cabinet, a report would be taken to that meeting seeking the approval of the Local Plan Committee to commence consultation as outlined above.
The Leader thanked Councillor Ashman and invited questions and comments from Members.
Members wholeheartedly welcomed the report and supported the recommendation.
The recommendation as set out on page 7 of the report was moved by Councillor Ashman, seconded by Councillor Rushton and subsequently
The Local Plan Committee be requested to agree to undertake consultation in respect of the revised Diseworth Village Design Statement subject to being able to comply with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement.
Reason for decision:The preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document is a Cabinet function.