
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Local Plan Committee (Item 23)


Report of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure

Additional documents:


The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report, highlighting the additional document as circulated at the meeting.


Councillor D Bigby commented on the importance of protecting local green spaces and was concerned that not including the designation of these areas in the Local Plan would leave many of them unprotected, especially as there was a reluctance in many parishes for a Neighbourhood Plan.  He understood the resource implication for the Planning Policy Team but did not feel that it was a reason to not include the designation in the Local Plan.


The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that open spaces such as parks and playing fields would still be protected under other policies within the Local Plan.  In response to a question from Councillor M B Wyatt, the Planning Policy Team Manager commented that unparished areas could form a Neighbourhood Forum to produce  a Neighbourhood Plan.  He added that Neighbourhood plans did not need to be complicated and this was the message going out to parishes.


Councillor N Smith felt that parishes should be designating local green spaces as they were in the best position to identify sites due to their local knowledge.  He was in support of Neighbourhood plans for Parishes.


Councillor J Legrys expressed his concerns that setting up a Neighbourhood Plan took a considerable amount of time and in the interim, areas would not be protected if the designation of local green spaces were not included in the Local Plan.  He thanked the officers in Planning and the Community Focus Team for the work undertaken in promoting Neighbourhood Plans and encouraging Parishes to get involved.    He expressed his disappointment that some of the larger parishes were refusing to have a Neighbourhood Plan.  In relation to the additional papers, he appreciated the critical response from the Officers as he agreed that the concerns from the Willesley Environment Protection Association were received very late. 


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi in relation to the lack of evidence put forward from some Parish Councils, the Planning Policy Team Manager stated that detailed information was sent to all Parish Councils including the evidence required to justify a designation.  He referred members to paragraph 4.5 of the report which detailed the evidence required.


In response to further concerns regarding the protection from development for Parishes without a Neighbourhood Plan, the Planning Policy Team Manager explained that the usual planning considerations applied to green spaces under the Local Plan, it was not reliant on a designation.


In response to a question from Councillor M B Wyatt, the Planning Policy Team Manager stated that a Neighbourhood Plan produced by a Neighbourhood Forum held the same status as those produced by Parish Councils.  He agreed to provide further information regarding Neighbourhood Forums to Councillor M B Wyatt outside of the meeting.


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi, the Planning Policy Team Manager explained that there was an opportunity for anyone to object to a designation and there were processes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23