Issue - meetings

Capital Projects Update

Meeting: 17/12/2019 - Coalville Special Expenses Working Party (Item 20)

20 Capital Projects Update pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager

Additional documents:


The Head of Economic Regeneration updated Members on the progress of the 2019/20 Capital Projects as detailed in the report.


Coalville in Bloom

The Chairman provided an update further to the report.  The areas being considered for hanging baskets were High street and Hotel Street, and the cost to businesses would be £30.  Members supported the recommendation to cabinet for the £5,000 budget allocation required for the project.


Scotlands Bowls Pavilion

Following a question from Councillor E Allman, it was reported that a younger group was now interested in regenerating the sport in the area, as well as interest from other sporting groups to share the changing facilities.


Trees in Coalville

The Chairman asked Members to put forward any suggested areas for tree planting.  It was agreed that the contact details for the relevant officer working on the project be circulated to Members.


Wildflower planting on Grass Verges

Councillor J Legrys suggested the creation of a community group to maintain the wildflowers, as he was aware that there would be a cost involved for officers.


Lillehammer Drive

Councillor J Legrys wanted to see progress before spring because once bird-nesting season began work would be halted.


By affirmation of the meeting it was




a)      The progress update on the 2019/20 Capital Projects be noted.


b)      The delivery of the five-year asset management schedule at appendix A be supported.




Cabinet allocate £5,000 as a budget proposal for 2020/21 towards Coalville in Bloom 2020.