Issue - meetings
Update on Car Park Review
Meeting: 02/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 93)
93 A Review of the Council's Car Parking Service and Action Plan PDF 741 KB
Report of the Strategic Director of Place
Presented by the Community Services Portfolio Holder
Additional documents:
- Annex A Future Provision for Parking Services 2020 to 2023, item 93
- Annex B Printed minutes 25th-Nov-2020 18.30 Community Scrutiny Committee, item 93
PDF 223 KB
- Addendum to Item 12 - A Review of the Council's Car Parking Service and Action Plan, item 93
- Reissue of Annex A - Future Provision for Parking Services 2020 to 2023, item 93
Councillor N Rushton left the meeting having declared a pecuniary interest in the item.
Councillor A Woodman then presented the report, which set out a variety of measures with regard to the Council’s Car Parking Service. These were set out in the report and proposed Action Plan at Annex A. With the aim of promoting a way forward to meet the needs of residents in the area, protect the provision of car parks, as well as promoting a zero carbon agenda going forward.
It was highlighted that the Council’s parking service was important for a wide range of stakeholders including residents, businesses, shoppers, tourists, community groups, and Parish and Town Councils.
Members spoke in support of the proposals, highlighting the importance of providing new electric vehicle charging points going forward. Discussion also focused on the merits on whether the move to contactless payments raised the possibility of introducing charges on car parks where there were currently none. It was noted that all options had been considered for each car park and introducing charges was also dependent on whether demand was sufficient to then raise sufficient income following any introduction of charges and any subsequent fall in demand.
The comments made by the Community Scrutiny Committee during its consideration of the issue on 25 November 2020 were also welcomed.
It was moved by Councillor A Woodman, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and
1) Adopts the action plan for the parking service in Annex A
2) Agrees to the changes to the parking arrangements detailed in paragraph 2.4
3) Delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Place to make amendments to the parking orders.
4) Notes the intention of the Head of Paid Service to commence a review of staffing resources in the Environmental Protection team in line with the review of the car parking service
5) Brings to a close parking enforcement contracts with Leicestershire County Council for Ashby and Coalville libraries
Reason for decision: To seek approval from Cabinet for the plan as it is a Key Decision.