
Issue - meetings

Money Hill Masterplan Consultation

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Local Plan Committee (Item 17)

17 Money Hill Masterplan Consultation pdf icon PDF 561 KB

Report of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure

Additional documents:


The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report and referred Members to the additional papers, which detailed two further responses to the consultation and proposed amendments to recommendations.


Mr I Rhodes, Iceni Projects on behalf of the developer consortium was introduced and was available to answer any questions if required.


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi, Mr I Rhodes reported that realistically work would begin on the site in approximately spring 2020.


In response to a question from Councillor N Smith, the Planning Policy Team Manager confirmed that the parking provision behind the college had been agreed as part of the outline planning permission for the initial 605 dwellings and would therefore be included in the first phase.


Councillor D Bigby raised concerns that the report seemed to be ‘side stepping’ the requirement of the Ashby Neighbourhood plan, the wording of which stated that the masterplan had to be agreed in conjunction with the Town Council.  He believed that the Town Council should have been involved in the discussions.


At 6.52pm, the Chairman adjourned the meeting to seek legal advice.  The Chairman, Councillor D Bigby, the Head of Planning and Infrastructure, the Planning Policy Team Manager and the Legal Advisor left the room during the adjournment.  The meeting re-convened at 6.55pm.


At this point the following interests were declared:


Councillor D Bigby declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item as he had responded to the consultation as a member of the public.


Councillor J Hoult declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item as the Chairman of Ashby Town Council.


Councillor N Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item as a business owner in Ashby.


Councillor D Bigby would like to see a reference to the Ashby Neighbourhood Plan in the recommendations of the report; specifically that developers should comply with this plan as well as the District Council’s Local Plan.  He also pointed out that Ashby Town Council had requested that employment land should only consist of type B1 and B2, not B8.  He felt that the employment land figures indicated that the area was already oversubscribed in accordance with the HEDNA requirements, therefore the shortfall was for type B1 a and b only, and there was no justification for type B8 in the area.


In relation to the comments surrounding the Ashby Neighbourhood Plan, the Planning Policy Team Leader explained that the District Council could only take into consideration the Local Plan, which was the authority’s responsibility.  However, the aim of the Design Code was to be compliant with the Ashby Neighbourhood Plan and the suggested amendment should address this. 


In relation to the comments about the employment land, the Planning Policy Team Manager explained that there was a shortfall against the HEDNA and needed to be addressed in the Local Plan.  As the site was identified as suitable for employment land within the Local Plan, which included B8 then it could not be taken out, as changes could not be made to an adopted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17