Declarations > Issue

Issue - meetings

Review of Existing Employment Sites

Meeting: 27/02/2019 - Local Plan Committee (Item 27)

27 Review of Existing Employment Sites pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place


The Planning Policy Team Leader presented the reports to Members. 


Councillor V Richichi expressed concerns that when the Local Plan was emerging 18 months ago, Planning Committee was refusing applications when they were outside the Limits to Development and yet these were now being approved even though the Local plan was in place.  He felt it was difficult for the Planning Committee when the ‘goal posts’ were constantly moving.  The Planning Policy Team Leader explained that the Planning Inspector had agreed criteria in the adopted Local Plan to allow the development of employment land outside of defined settlements where need could be demonstrated.  The Chairman agreed that it was difficult, which was why it was important to have studies such as this one to help the authority keep control.


Councillor J Legrys was disappointed that recent planning permissions on employment land were not included on the list of sites and taken into the calculations.  He asked that they be included going forward.  He also questioned whether the site referred to as Owen Street was in fact the former Pallitoy factory site, which is actually accessed off Jackson Street.  Councillor J Legrys questioned whether this raised issues about the consultant’s ability to undertake the work.  The Planning Policy Team Manager apologised, and advised that he would ask the consultants to amend the report with the correct name. The Planning Policy Team Leader confirmed that the right site had been assessed – this was evidenced by photographs of the site in the report  Regarding the site list, the Planning Policy Team Manager reminded Members that things were constantly moving and that all sites would be considered as part of the Local Plan review. 


Regarding a comment made by Councillor A C Saffell in relation to the exclusion of sites with outline planning permission, the Planning Policy Team Manager assured Members that all sites, including those that had outline permissions would be recognised as being employment land when considering how much additional land was required.


Following a discussion regarding information detailed within the background paper but not in the report, the Chairman asked for it to be made clearer in reports when further details could be found by following a web link.


In reference to the TNT site in Lount being of low value because of its isolated rural location, Councillor D Everitt did not feel that its rural location was a negative, as you would not know it was there if not for the sign.  The Planning Policy Team Leader explained that part of the criteria was to look at how desirable the site would be to future occupants and this was why its rural location could be a constraint.  He added that it was only an informed opinion, as it was difficult to predict the future use of such sites.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor D Harrison and




The findings of the review of existing employment sites study be noted.