
Issue - meetings

Local Plan Review - Update from Further Consultation

Meeting: 27/02/2019 - Local Plan Committee (Item 26)

26 Local Plan Review - Update pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place


The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report to Members.  In relation to the Government’s recent consultation detailed at paragraph 2.4, results had since been published regarding housing requirements, the decision of which was that 2014 household projections were to be used and not 2016 household projections.  The Planning Policy Team Manager informed Members that the implications of this would need to be considered, possibly requiring some external input.


In response to a question from Councillor R Adams, the Planning Policy Team Manager explained that the responses from the emerging options consultation were from a mixture of individuals, businesses and consultants working on behalf of others such as landowners.


Councillor J Legrys commented that he was confused regarding what was meant by ‘evidence base’ within the recommendations of the report.  The Planning Policy Team Manager referred Members to section 2.0 of the report and explained that it was about making Members aware of the growing number of studies being undertaken to support the Local Plan review.


Councillor J Legrys commented that the web link to the background papers within the report was not working and the Planning Policy Team Manager agreed to email the document to all Members of the Committee.


Councillor J Coxon questioned whether he had a pecuniary interest due to land that he owned land within the SHELAA.  He was advised that he did not by the Legal Services Team Manager.


Councillor M Specht asked for the full responses to the consultation as the report only provided numbers.  The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that the aim of the report was to provide Members with an overview at this stage and a further more detailed report would be considered in June, this would include the consultation responses.


Councillor A C Saffell felt that the consultation was not asking the correct questions, as there was nothing in relation to the type of housing required and whom the housing would be for.  He felt this was particularly important in areas surrounding distribution parks, as housing was required for employees.  The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that those details would be considered later in the review and that work had been commissioned relating to demographics and housing need across the district.  The Chairman encouraged Members to raise concerns such as this at any time with officers and not to leave them to meetings only.


In response to a request from Councillor V Richichi, the Planning Policy Team Manager discussed the differences between the 2014 and 2016 published housing projections and explained that he would be receiving some external legal advice on the matter, as there was a considerable difference.   It was important to manage any risk for the Council moving forward.  He was hopeful that there would be a clearer picture at the next meeting in June.


It was moved by Cllr J Coxon, seconded by Councillor R Adams and




a)     The level of responses to the recent consultation on the Local Plan be noted.


b)     The progress  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26