
Issue - meetings

Year End Financial Report

Meeting: 27/06/2019 - The Leicestershire Partnership Revenues and Benefits Joint Committee (Item 7)

7 Financial Performance to March 2019 pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Report of the Section 151 Officer


Mr A Wilson presented the report to Members. He advised then that were a couple of issues to be considered within the recommendations, which included increasing the transfer to the ICT earmarked reserve by £35k to cover ICT costs expected in future years and redistribution of year-end savings as detailed at option B in table 4. He informed Members that at the year end the partnership had a net underspend of £309,124, This included an underspend in salaries of £171,000, in FERIS of  £46,000 due to posts being filled part-time rather than full-time (FERIS funding was ring fenced), in training of £11,000 and in postage savings of £32,000. This was due to lower than expected annual billing costs. He explained the tables set out in paragraph 3.7 outlined the budgeted, actual and proposed positions and that table 4 provided the two options dependent on the decision that the committee made in relation to increasing the ICT earmarked reserve.


He advised Members that a revised budget would come back to the next meeting and that by the end of year earmarked reserved balance would be back down to £50,000k


Councillor R D Bayliss felt that option b as detailed in the report would be the soundest option.


In response to questions from Councillor P Dann:


Mr A Wilson advised that it had been hoped to recruit to the vacant posts in year however, staff with the required skills set had not come forward and when the partnership had, approached agencies but again there appeared to be a shortage.


Mrs S O’Hanlon advised that the partnership had managed and that it had looked at the posts and assessed whether they were required. However, there were some posts that required a specialised skill and therefore the job descriptions had been looked at and re-evaluated to a higher salary. In relation to postage savings she advised that many landlords now used on-line billing and that, following changes to matching rules, bills to the same address could now go out together rather than separately.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor D Bill and




a)The financial performance of the Partnership be noted,


b)The preferred option of increasing the transfer to the ICT earmarked reserve by £35,000 to £135,000 to cover ICT costs expected in future year be approved, and


c)  The level redistribution of year-end savings back to partner bodies as note in table 4 below (Option B) be approved.