Issue - meetings

Final revised National Planning Policy Framework - implications for Local Plan Review

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - Local Plan Committee (Item 12)

12 Final revised National Planning Policy Framework - implications for Local Plan Review pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place


The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report to members, outlining the key changes to the NPPF which might have implications for the Local Plan.  He drew members’ attention to section 1.5 of the report and the clarification that existing policies should not be considered out of date simply because they were adopted prior to the date of the current policy framework. 


In response to comments and questions from members, the Planning Policy Team Manager clarified that the term neighbouring areas had been utilised rather than housing market areas when referring to meeting unmet needs.  He made reference to the memorandum of understanding in Leicester and Leicestershire and added that it would be difficult to progress without clarification on the unmet need in Leicester City.  He explained that the Strategic Growth Plan was due to be agreed by all authorities at the end of the year however he highlighted the differing plan period to the Local Plan.


The Planning Policy Team Manager advised members that planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicated otherwise, and the NPPF was a material consideration.  If the development plan differed from the NPPF, the weight afforded would partly depend which was the more recent document; however the development plan was not prepared in isolation and was required to be consistent with the NPPF.  He added that it was a key requirement to keep revising the Local Plan and this gave a better chance of resisting unwanted development.


Members discussed the issues of affordable housing and matching housing need to employment types.


Members thanked the Planning Policy Team Manager for an excellent report and presentation.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor J G Coxon and




The new National Planning Policy Framework and the implications for the Local Plan review be noted.