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Internal Audit Report 2017/2018 Revenues and Benefits Partnership

Meeting: 28/06/2018 - The Leicestershire Partnership Revenues and Benefits Joint Committee (Item 7)

7 Internal Audit Report 2017/2018 Revenues and Benefits Partnership pdf icon PDF 544 KB

Report of the External Auditor


Ms J Stead presented the report to Members. She advised Members that overall it was a low risk report that had identified five low risk findings. She outlined the five findings as detailed in the report and the actions that were required. She informed Members that the Risk Based Verification System had been analysed and that comparison with other organisations and the DWP, the proportion of cases that were expected to be classified were broadly around the same, however when the data was reviewed the distribution of the cases was significantly different to the expected risk model and recommended that officers met with the provider to see what was driving the difference compared to other software users. Ms Stead highlighted that by investing time upfront in the higher risk cases it is saving time and resources later by ensuring that the claims are accurate to begin with.


In relation to Risk Based Verification, Councillor T J Pendleton asked if there were any other authorities that used the same software that a comparison could be carried out on the outturns.


Ms J Stead advised that other authorities used the same software however their outturns were different.




The Internal Audit Report 2017/18 Revenues and Benefits Partnership be noted.