
Issue - meetings

Coalville Special Expenses 2017/18 Out Turn

Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Coalville Special Expenses Working Party (Item 9)

9 Coalville Special Expenses 2017/18 Outturn & Capital Programme 2018/19 Funding pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Report of the Head of Community Services

Additional documents:


The Head of Community Services presented the report to Members, highlighting the contribution of balances of £23,000 which would increase the forecasted yearend balance to £92,000.  He reminded Members that a prudent level of reserves was 10 percent of the annual recurring expenditure, therefore this would equate to approximately £45,000.  He added that the figures in front of Members did not yet include the £50,000 saved from the Owen Street Recreation Ground floodlight refurbishment.


In response to a question of clarity from Councillor Specht, the Head of Community Services confirmed that there was an error within the report and the amount to be allocated to future projects was £34,000 rather than £36,000.


In response to a previous request from Councillor J Legrys, the Head of Community Services reported that an initial tidy up of the grass and shrubs on Phoenix Green would cost approximately £800 and each additional grass cut following that would cost £90.  Members agreed that they would like two additional cuts.  Councillor J Legrys asked that Bardon Road and Ashby Road also have an additional two cuts.  As costings for that work had not been provided, Members asked for the costing to be sought and if the cost was under £150 per cut, agreed for two additional cuts.


As Cabinet would not be considering the recommendations until 24 July, Councillor J Legrys asked if there could be an exception made to cut the grass prior to the approval as the areas were in a very bad condition.  The Head of Community Services agreed to seek advice and make the necessary arrangements.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor M B Wyatt and




a)     The 2017/18 Forecast Outturn be noted.


b)     The Capital Programme for 2018/19 be noted.




a)     Cabinet approve initial ground maintenance work to Phoenix Green, plus two additional grass cuts.


b)     If the cost did not exceed £150 per cut, Cabinet approve two additional grass cuts for Bardon Road and Ashby Road.