Meeting documentation

Meeting documents

Policy Development Group
Wednesday, 3rd October, 2012 6.30 pm

Declaration of interests - members are reminded that following the adoption by Council of the new Code of Conduct, any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the new code. In particular, members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'personal' or 'prejudicial'.

The Monitoring Officer would like to remind members that when they are considering whether the following items are exempt information under the relevant paragraph under part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 they must have regard to the public interest test. This means that members must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available to the public.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Coxon and Saffell.
There were no interests declared.
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 5th March, 2012
Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2012.
  • Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2012 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
There were no questions received.

The Head of Finance presented the report on proposed changes to the Council's Contract Procedure Rules and the Head of Legal and Support Services explained that any changes would result in an update to the Council's Constitution, the details of which were set out in the report. The Chairman advised Members that in relation to this report, a draft report to Council was included which annexes a summary of the proposed changes but this had been omitted from the papers. A copy was circulated to Members at the meeting.

The Head of Finance went though the report and drew Members' attention to the need to change the Contract Procedure Rules without compromising value for money.

Members were invited to comment.

In response to a question on comparisons with other local authorities, it was reported that this authority was taking the lead and would be the first to use the procurement portal. Whilst others had higher value thresholds, we were at the top end of the range.

A question was raised regarding the promotion of the new initiatives, particularly to small local businesses and it was acknowledged that promotional activities such as the local press, Vision magazine, the website and trade associations would be used as well as using existing contacts.

Members were enthused at the proposals to concentrate on the use of local businesses and it was acknowledged that this would only not be the case where there was no local supplier or it did not offer value for money. It was also noted that the portal was not restricted to just Leicestershire as there were links between the different counties to pick up those business which are located on the boundaries.

Members welcomed the proposals.

The update to the Council's Constitution and Contract Procedure Rules be noted and that the views of the Group be conveyed to the Monitoring Officer.
The Head of Community Services introduced the report on the 'Returning Houses to Homes' policy explaining that this was a refreshed policy as opposed to a new one.

The policy was appended to the report and Members were invited to comment thereon.

In response to questions by Members it was reported that this policy would provide a suite of methods to deal with houses which have been allowed to fall into disrepair. A number of specific cases were given as examples by Members and assurances were given that the range of methods afforded to officers in the revised policy would help to address such issues.

It was reported that the aim of the new policy was to see the return of 5 long term empty houses in the next 12 months but officers will also be working alongside social landlords to help return more. The main changes to the policy include the promotion of the Council's services through the Landlords' Forum, utilising and promoting the available properties website and enabling a bid to the HCA's empty homes 2012-2015 programme to target long term empty properties. The policy had also been tidied up and the language refreshed.

In response to a question on timing, it was noted that each case was different and the time taken to return a house to a home largely depended on the level of communication with the homeowner, who will sometimes ignore offers of help or advice.

On discussing the Landlords' Forum, it was noted that this meets twice a year and is generally well attended. Invitees are known landlords and guest speakers and all agendas and minutes are available on the Council's website.

The Returning Houses to Homes Policy be supported and that the views of the Group be conveyed to Cabinet.
The Interim Strategic Housing Team Manager presented this report and made it clear that the guidance referred to in the report did not replace the Council's existing policies.

Social Housing Reform provides local authorities with a number of choices to better manage social rent and affordable rent homes to better meet housing need. The options were set out in the report together with the proposals to preferred tenancy terms, rent levels and managing fixed term tenancies and affordable rent homes.

Members were invited to comment. It was noted that the views of the Group would be considered by Cabinet at its next meeting.

Questions were raised about succession to tenancies but it was explained that this did not fall within the remit of this guidance but in the succession rules contained within the Council's Allocation Policy. A Member sought clarification on the succession rules, specifically around elderly and vulnerable people and their carers. It was felt that where alternative accommodation is offered due to over occupancy, this could be traumatic and not always the most suitable option. It was agreed that this would be confirmed in writing.

ACTION - That the Interim Strategic Housing Team Manager responds to Councillor Clayfield on the specifics of dealing with vulnerable people under the existing rules on succession tenancies under the Council's Allocation Policy.

Members asked a number of questions on the guidance and sought assurances on various issues. In response to comments made it was reported that the online survey seeking views was not very effective. Whilst the tenancy strategy is not required to be published until 15 January 2013, social housing regulations require registered providers to have a tenancy policy in place from April 2012. However, many were waiting for the Council to approve this guidance before doing so. A Member felt that the Council's vision "a place where people and businesses feel they belong and are proud call home" contradicted the guidance's lack of preference for longer term tenancies as people have to keep renewing their tenancies which is less likely to make them feel "at home". In response to further questions, it was reported that it was unlikely that a change of circumstance would be so significant that it would result in notice being given or there being an expectation to move. The most likely scenarios are being significantly over occupied or income levels being such that a person could reasonably be regarded as able to comfortably afford a deposit for a home in the private rental sector. Affordable rents would still be covered under housing benefits as it was acknowledged that these may still not be 'affordable' due to location. Attention was drawn to the table set out on page 89 of the agenda which showed the percentage figures of those who might not be able to afford an 'affordable' rent. It was acknowledged that it was not possible to foresee whether the provision of a loan for a deposit would see more people moving into the private rental sector but this is an area which is currently being looked at. It was confirmed that the 12 month probationary period was in addition to the length of the tenancy and that the guidance attempts to mitigate the negatives identified against the housing strategy initiatives. On discussing the definition of the term 'poverty' it was agreed that the source of this definition would be clarified.

ACTION - That the Interim Strategic Housing Team Manager responds to Councillor Clarke on the source of the definition of 'poverty' as referred to in the guidance.

The Chairman thanked the officers for their responses to the issues raised.

The Affordable Homes Guidance (The Tenancy Strategy) be supported and that the views of the Group be conveyed to Cabinet.
The Chairman agreed to take the following item as an urgent item of business.

The Head of Community Services presented the report which sought the views of Members on the West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group's proposals for the way forward for Community Hospitals in order to finalise a NWLDC stakeholder response. It was noted that the views of the Group would be considered by Cabinet at its next meeting.

Members questioned the commitment of the engagement process in view of the timing of the next event being at 2.00pm; messages sent to the quoted e-mail address being returned as undeliverable and the questionnaire comprising questions which would seemingly all have the same response "very important". The Head of Community Services advised that he would pass the comments on and confirm the correct e-mail address. Concern was raised about engagement, particularly with regard to engaging with the elderly who may not necessarily use the internet.

Members considered that the main areas for concern in relation to the delivery of care were regarding the lack of palliative care; the transition between being in a care home and returning home; the lack of physiotherapy provided at home and the lack of co-ordination between social services and the NHS.

The Chairman thanked Members for their comments and encouraged them to complete the questionnaire.

The views of the Policy Development Group on the way forward for Community Hospitals be conveyed to Cabinet.
No items were suggested for inclusion on the future work programme.

Published on Wednesday, 11th July, 2012
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 7.52pm

Attendance Details

Councillors: N Clarke, P Clayfield, J Cotterill, D Everitt, T Gillard, R Holland, T Neilson, N Smith.

Officers in attendance: Ray Bowmer, Head of Finance (until 6.50pm), Minna Haines, Environmental Health Officer (until 7.35pm), Gill Leng, Interim Strategic Housing Team Manager (until 7.35pm), Melanie Phillips, Democratic and Support Services Team Manager, John Richardson, Head of Community Services and Elizabeth Warhurst, Head of Legal and Support Services (until 6.50pm).