Meeting documentation

Meeting documents

Licensing Sub Committee
Thursday, 22nd November, 2012 6.30 pm

Declaration of interests - members are reminded that following the adoption by Council of the new Code of Conduct, any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the new code. In particular, members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'personal' or 'prejudicial'.

The Monitoring Officer would like to remind members that when they are considering whether the following items are exempt information under the relevant paragraph under part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 they must have regard to the public interest test. This means that members must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available to the public.

Councillor G Allman take the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
There were no apologies for absence.
There were no interests declared.
The Chairman introduced the parties and explained the procedure to be followed. The Hearing Regulations 2005 stated that the Authority must allow parties an equal period of time in which to present their evidence. It was agreed that the maximum time for each presentation be twenty minutes.

The Licensing Enforcement Officer presented the reports to members, highlighting background information and the representations received.

Following questions from the Members, the Licensing Enforcement Officer advised the Committee:-

- That the application was to extend the licence by one hour for a period of three days over the 17, 18 and 19 December 2012, including the sale of alcohol.

- That the Licence Holder had submitted applications in previous years.

- That there were several other Licensed Premises within the area that were still open at the requested times as part of their Licence.

There were no questions from the Responsible Authority or Licence Holder.

Sergeant Watson addressed the Committee on behalf of The Chief Officer of Police. He advised the Members that the application would have an adverse effect on an area that already had many problems with Crime and Disorder.
He then took the Members through the evidence that had been submitted to the Committee highlighting incidents that related to the Premises. He advised members that there had been issues in the past accessing CCTV footage for evidence and on one occasion the DJ did not have access to a radio to call for assistance when required. He urged the Committee not to grant the application.

Following questions from the Members, Sergeant Watson advised the Committee:-

- That the number of Temporary Event Notice applications was increasing and that the majority of the Police resources were already directed towards Ashby.

- That there were 32 incidents after 1am and that some of the data was provided from the monitored CCTV cameras, however as the monitoring ceased after 3am it was difficult to obtain data after that time.

There were no questions from the Premises Licence Holder.

Mr S Wallis, Premises Licence Holder addressed the Committee. He advised Members that the Temporary Event Notice was to extend the Licence by one hour until midnight on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night only and that there were other licensed premises in the are that were open until 1am on those days. He highlighted to the Committee that the evidence that the Police had submitted related to incidents that had occurred at weekends and there were no incidents listed for weeknights.
He informed the Committee that the premises had 32 CCTV cameras and that it was on radio link, and that any applications for Temporary Event Notices in the past two years had not been refused.

Following questions from the Members, Mr Wallis advised the Committee:-

- That staff refuse entry to or serve any person seen to be intoxicated.

- That out of 120 listed incidents only 9 related to The Lamb.

- That three door staff were employed - Two at the front entrance and one at side, and that they would take it in turns to walk through the premises.

- The extra hour per day was to attract students that had returned for the holidays and those who had taken the week prior to Christmas off work.

- That he was the Chairman of the Pub watch meeting.

- That all door staff were SIA trained.

Following questions from Sergeant Watson, Mr Wallis advised the Committee that the door staff would assist with incidents that occurred if the Police were not around to deal with them.

Sergeant M Watson and Mr S Wallis made brief closing statements reiterating points made earlier in the hearing.

The Legal Advisor reminded Members that Police resources and the effect on the business were not to be considered as part of the evidence, and that the Saturation Policy did not apply to Temporary Event Notices. Members were also reminded that the number of door staff employed for events was not a licensed condition.

The Committee adjourned at 7.35pm.
The Committee reconvened at 8.00pm.

The Chairman asked the Licence Holder if he would consider employing a member door staff for the three nights.

The Licence Holder advised the Committee that it would not be economical to do so.

The Committee adjourned at 8.03pm.
The Committee reconvened at 8.10pm.


The Temporary Event Notice be granted.
Published on Thursday, 27th December, 2012
The meeting closed at 8.12pm.

Attendance Details

Councillors G Allman, D Everitt and M Specht.

Officers:- Mr A Cooper, Mrs C Hammond and Miss R Howe.

Responsible Authority - Sgts M Watson and G Thompson on behalf of Leicestershire Constabulary.

Licence Holder:- Mr S Wallis.

In attendance:- Mr D Barnes, Level One Security and Mr L Mansfield, Environmental Health Team Manager.