Meeting documentation

Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Wednesday, 21st April, 2004 6.30 pm

Declaration of interests - members are reminded that following the adoption by Council of the new Code of Conduct, any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the new code. In particular, members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'personal' or 'prejudicial'.

The Monitoring Officer would like to remind members that when they are considering whether the following items are exempt information under the relevant paragraph under part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 they must have regard to the public interest test. This means that members must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available to the public.
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 10th March, 2004
Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2004 (copy previously circulated and retained with the official copy of the minutes).

That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2004 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Mr Crossley introduced the item and gave an outline of the application. He reported that Mr Probyn, production Director of Clear Channel Entertainment and Festival Manager for the Download Festival, was en route to the meeting but unfortunately, he was in stationary traffic on the M1 motorway and unlikely to arrive at the Council Offices in time for the start of the meeting.

In Mr Probyn's absence Mr Crossley asked Ian Baker, Events Consultant, whose company had been appointed to address health and safety and other issues at this year's festival, whether sufficient information had now been received to indicate that licence conditions would be complied with if the Download Festival concert 2004 were to take place. Mr Baker advised members that the traffic plan had been finalised and accepted by all parties. Although he was still expecting some minor details on structures, camping etc to be confirmed, he stated that the applicant was in a position to comply with the required site conditions. Compliance with the conditions would be established through site inspections before the Festival.

Mr Crossley circulated an e-mail from Leicestershire Constabulary operations command confirming that the Operations Planning Department were happy with the traffic management plan for the Download concert. Mr Crossley, Mr Eaton and Mr Peters also confirmed that no objections had been received by officers in respect of the public notice advertising the application.

In response to questions, Mr Crossley confirmed that a de-briefing meeting with the emergency services would be held in due course and that members were invited to visit the festival site on the concert day and prior to the site's opening.


That the application for an occasional outdoor public entertainment licence in respect of the Download Festival 2004 to be held at Donington Park on Saturday, 5 and Sunday 6 June 2004 be granted.
Mr Crossley introduced this item. He explained to members that the applicant had failed to provide sufficient information to determine the application and to satisfy officers that the event would comply with licence conditions for an occasional outdoor public entertainment licence. He explained Leicestershire Constabulary were very concerned at the lack of information and had not been able to give detailed consideration of the applicant's traffic management proposals for the event as a result. In the circumstances Mr Crossley asked members to defer consideration of the application to a Licensing Committee scheduled to take place on Monday, 10 May 2004.

The Chairman expressed his concern that the applicant had not provided the information officers had requested to enable the committee to determine the application, bearing in mind the event was scheduled to take place very shortly.

That the consideration of an application for an occasional outdoor public entertainment licence in respect of a concert promoted as "Wings and Strings Orchestral Concert 2004"to be held at Donington Park on Saturday, 12 June 2004 between 1900 hours and 2245 hours be deferred to a meeting of the Licensing Committee on Monday, 10 May 2004.
Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Administration (copy previously circulated and retained with the official copy of the minutes).

Mr Eaton introduced the report and drew members' particular attention to the statistical information produced by Leicestershire County Council on alcohol related crime incidents within North West Leicestershire District.

The Chairman welcomed Inspectors Yallop and Lee. The two inspectors had been invited to the meeting to discuss the application of a saturation policy in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003.

As an initial point the Chairman sought clarification from the Police representatives on the definition and methods of recording crime statistics. In response to this question, Inspector Lee confirmed that national crime recording standards had been introduced approximately 12 months previously and this meant that forces were now compelled to record the details of all incidents.

The police representatives were invited to comment on the current statistics and levels of alcohol related crime and disorder in their local policing unit areas.

Inspector Lee did not feel that there had been a great increase in alcohol related crime incidents in Coalville. However Inspector Yallop reported that a long term trend showing a decrease in the number of alcohol related crime incidents between 1997 and 2003 in Ashby had been reversed in 2003 when the number of incidents had doubled.

Members sought clarification and information on a number of matters including the differentiation between alcohol and drug related crime in the statistics, general drug taking habits and comparable statistics within other parts of Leicestershire.

In reply to questions, Inspector Yallop told members that a dedicated police operation over the last 12 months had been effective in reducing the total number of alcohol related crime incidents in Ashby town centre. The operation was ongoing and sometimes it meant that she had to make use of police resources from other areas in order to act upon specific intelligence. She confirmed that she would not welcome any further increase in the number of licensed premises in Ashby town centre.

Mr Eaton reminded members of the various factors that a licensing authority had to take into account when considering the adoption of a saturation policy.

Several members voiced their concern over the problem of under age drinking and the apparent ease with which young drinkers were able to purchase alcohol from some off licences. It was felt that more emphasis should be placed on combatting the sale of alcohol to under age and young drinkers. On this point, members commented that the statistical table showing the location of licensed premises should include off licences. They felt that it was also important to recognise that the main consumption of alcohol by under age drinkers was not at night clubs and public houses. The accuracy of the location statistics was also questioned by a number of councillors.

In response to questions from members the two inspectors gave details about police cover at Coalville and Ashby de la Zouch local policing units on Fridays and Saturdays.

A discussion was then held on the need for a possible saturation policy in either Coalville and/or Ashby de la Zouch. Members discussed crime levels relative to the number of licensed premises and local population figures, the use of private security in the management of licensed establishments, peak times for public disorder problems and police call outs, the public attraction of a concentrated number of licensed premises and the procedural steps to be followed in considering whether to include a saturation policy in the Licensing Policy.

At this point in the discussion members returned to whether the two inspectors held an opinion on the adoption of a saturation policy by the Council. Inspector Lee did not feel that there was a problem with the management and control of crime incidents in Coalville to suggest the need for a saturation policy at the moment. However, he referred to the density of licensed premises in Marlborough Square and accepted that there could be problems in the future if additional premises were licensed in that area. Inspector Yallop believed that there were sufficient licensed premises in Ashby de la Zouch town centre. She pointed out issues of public nuisance, public safety, and quality of life, together with current problems of crime and disorder in her opinion supported the inclusion of a saturation policy in the draft Licensing Policy.

That a special policy to cover an area to be defined in Ashby de la Zouch town centre be included in the Council's Draft Statement of Licensing Policy for the purposes of consultation.
Mr Eaton introduced this item and explained why the application for a permit had been referred to the committee for determination. He explained the legislative controls in respect of street collections and referred to the District Council's current policy which had been approved in 1996. The policy restricted the grant of permits to no more than two permits per year within the same location on a Friday or Saturday. The application needed to be considered by the Licensing Committee because it was outside the terms of the Council's current policy.

A letter from the applicant was circulated at the meeting for members' consideration.

(a) That the application for a permit to make a street collection be granted for all the dates requested in the application.

(b) That the Council's current policy and scheme of delegation in respect of permit requests for more than 2 permits per year within the same location on a Friday or Saturday be amended to read "The Manager of Central Support in consultation with the Chairman of the Council's Licensing Committee".
Mr Eaton gave a verbal report on the progress of the Licensing Act 2003.

The guidance for local authorities was expected to be published by the end of April 2004 meaning that the first appointed day when applications may begin to be made was likely to be October/November 2004.

In respect of members' training Mr Eaton undertook to provide members with the details of a training event at Melton Borough Council on Wednesday, 19 May 2004.
Published on Friday, 20th August, 2004
The meeting terminated at 7.50pm.

Attendance Details

Councillor P A Hyde (Chairman) (In the Chair)

Councillors J G Coxon, P Holland, D Howe, J T Male, E J Purver, A C Saffell, G Tacey, J B Webster and D H Wintle.

Officers: Mrs J Cotton, Messrs G Crossley, R Eaton, J E Peters and Ms E Warhurst

David Powell - Emergency Planning, Leicestershire County Council

In respect of the Download Festival 2004:

Mr I Baker, Symonds Consultants

In respect of the saturation policy:

Inspector C Yallop (Ashby Local Policing Unit), Inspector A Lee (Coalville Local Policing Unit)