Meeting documentation

Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Monday, 10th May, 2004 6.30 pm

Declaration of interests - members are reminded that following the adoption by Council of the new Code of Conduct, any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the new code. In particular, members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'personal' or 'prejudicial'.

The Monitoring Officer would like to remind members that when they are considering whether the following items are exempt information under the relevant paragraph under part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 they must have regard to the public interest test. This means that members must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available to the public.
Additional documentation regarding the events traffic plan and the procedure for public entertainment licence case was circulated.

One of the applicants, Ms Dufosee, outlined the history of the event. This application was for a family orientated event with historical aircraft, music and a firework finale. Mr Cheeseman added that a multi-agency meeting had been held in order to address various concerns including the first aid plan, fire safety plan, event management provisional schedule and risk assessment. Advice had been sought from the Civil Aviation Authority and an experienced display director had been appointed.

Mr Baker reported that there were still a small number of minor amendments required but there seemed to be no outstanding reason why the Council's licence requirements could not be met. Members noted that the Leicestershire Constabulary Operations Planning were satisfied with the traffic plan.

The applicants supplied additional information in response to questions from the Committee. 10,000 visitors were expected and plans had already been made regarding car parking, lighting and firework safety. An event would precede the "Wings and Strings" as part of the Rolls Royce Centenary. It had a capacity for 50,000 people and the traffic plan was based on that amount. The organisers could foresee no problems with East Midlands Airport as flights included in the fly past had been interspersed with commercial flights on a provisional plan agreed with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Final details would be confirmed with the CAA the week before the event. The fly past would not fly over the crowd. The traffic plan had taken into account the fact that a predicted 90% of visitors to the Rolls Royce Centenary Event would stay for the evening event. Traffic would enter via the main entrance and exit from Melbourne Road.

The Chairman offered the applicants an opportunity to make closing remarks. This was declined. At this point the applicants and the Council's representatives left the room while the committee deliberated.

That the application for an occasional outdoor public entertainment licence in respect of the concert promoted as "Wings and Strings" Orchestral Concert 2004 to be held at Donington Park on Saturday, 12 June 2004 between 7.00pm and 10.45pm be granted.
The Chairman informed the Committee that this application had been withdrawn.
Item admitted to the meeting under Section 100B (4) (B) of the Local Government Act 1972 by reason of special circumstances in that an additional item of business needed to be considered at the meeting of the committee, the chair was of the opinion that the following item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Councillor Fenning left the meeting before the commencement of this item.

A letter written by Councillor Fenning was circulated. Mr Eaton gave background information about the application and additional information relating to the legal position regarding the remission of part or the whole of the fee, under paragraph 7(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.

This year's application fee had been calculated on previous years' attendance and had been set at £530. An outside contractor, Riley Advertising dealt with the publishing of Council public notices and had quoted the Council a fee of £370, for placing the requisite public notices in the press. The remaining £160 was meant to be a contribution towards the Council's administrative costs in dealing with the application, including the cost of a number of officers time.

Mr Venables gave some background information to the committee regarding the Festival. The Festival had grown over the years and was run by an organising committee who were volunteers. After all expenses had been paid, the profits were distributed to various youth projects. It was a well-supported and established community event. Mr Venables stated that if the organising committee had to pay the full licence application fee and the event made a loss then it could jeopardise the event in future. The event had made a loss last year. This had now been paid off but it had come from the pockets of the individual and members of the organising committee.

Mr Deacon added he fully supported the Festival by donating raffle prizes throughout the year and running the raffles and various fund raising events. He also received income from the Festival when people used the pub. He stated that the pub could not survive without the event. It was important to maintain the pub as it was an important part of the village's life, for example running evening classes and hosting parish Council meetings. In response to a question Mr Deacon confirmed that no money was donated to charity last year but that he had made a profit.

Mr Venables informed the Committee that the events organising body was seeking charitable trust status. One of the objects of the new trust would be to maintain the status quo of the village. The Committee asked about the organisation of the event and how last year's event had resulted in a loss. Mr Venables notified the Committee that a major sponsor had pledged £3,000 but had been unable to pay the sponsorship at the last minute. Also the Festival had also been badly affected by the poor weather. The Group had been unaware of any insurance available. This year they had found a medium-sized sponsor and many small-sized sponsors and had spent less money on entertainment.

There then followed a discussion between the committee, Mr Crossley and the applicants seeking clarification of the number of people attending the music festival and those visiting the village. There was also a discussion about the levels of fees charged for advertising events in the public notices section of the press.

The Chairman asked whether the applicants wished to add any closing remarks. Mr Venables reiterated that the event was non-profit making, the events were divorced from the public house except for the use of the grounds and car parks. It was a community event which hugely benefited the village and surrounding areas and needed the Council's support to encourage its existence.

The applicants and Mr Crossley then left the room while the committee deliberated.

(a) That £430 of the application fee be remitted on the basis that the entertainment in question was provided for a charitable or other like purpose.

(b) That the organising committee of the event be asked to note that they should reserve the licence fee from this year's charitable profits to pay for any possible application next year to the Council.
The following councillors had been nominated for membership of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Group:

Councillors J G Coxon, R A Evans, D Howe, P A Hyde and J B Webster.

That Councillors G J Coxon, R A Evans, D Howe, P A Hyde and J B Webster be appointed to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Group.
Published on Friday, 20th August, 2004
The meeting terminated at 8.03pm.

Attendance Details

Councillor P A Hyde (Chairman) (In the Chair)

Councillors R A Evans, P Holland, D Howe, J T Male, A C Saffell and R Woodward

In attendance: Councillor F R D Fenning (items 1 and 2)

Officers: Messrs G Crossley, R Eaton, J E Peters, D Powell, Mrs S Hooper, Ms E Warhurst

In respect of item 1, Wings and Strings Orchestral Concert:

Mr I Baker (Symonds Consultants), A Cheeseman, A Dufosee and M Quilliam (Events Manager, Donington Park)

In respect of the Heather Music Festival, an additional urgent item:

Peter Deacon (Licensee) and Graham Venables (member of Events Committee)