
Issue - meetings

Coalville Heroes Contract

Meeting: 10/01/2018 - Policy Development Group (Item 34)

34 Contract for the Provision of Community Engagement Activities - Building Confidence in Coalville Project pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Report of the Head of Economic Development

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The Head of Economic Development presented the report, drawing Members attention to the key achievements throughout the contract.  She welcomed the ‘Coalville Heroes’, Deana Wildgoose and Julia Burkin to the meeting and thanked them for all the hard work and energy that had gone into the project.


Councillor T Eynon praised the work undertaken, especially the famous fifty project as this gained the involvement of school children and featured in the press.  She also thanked the Coalville Heroes for the amount of financial detail within their report as it clearly showed where funds had come from and how they had been spent.  She believed that the contract had been a great investment and was good to see what had been achieved.


Councillor J Geary enjoyed reading the report and all the detail included.  In reference to the redundant toilet block on Mantle Lane, Councillor J Geary reported that it had been broken into and hoped it would be fixed later in the week.  He was also disappointed that there were so many negative comments in the young person survey as it was a shame to see that enthusiasm in the young had disappeared.


Council D Harrison complimented the project, he felt that the work undertaken on the ground level was first class and had been an enhancement for Coalville.


Councillor A C Saffell concurred with councillor D Harrison and hoped that it would continue.


Councillor N Smith asked if the young people survey was carried out in other areas so that comparative data was available.  He felt it was important to find out if the views were shared across the district or just Coalville.  Ms D Wildgoose reported that the survey was the first of its kind for the district but there was national statistics available if required.  She would be happy to carry out surveys in other areas if the opportunity arose.


Councillor V Richichi echoed comments already made regarding the project and the great report.  Regarding the results of the young people survey, he felt that it was important to gain their trust, then enthusiasm would build.


The Chairman congratulated the work undertaken and hoped that it would continue into the future.  He added that after visiting the Coalville Heroes at their base in Coalville market it was clear to see the energy and enthusiasm that has been put into the project.


By affirmation of the meeting it was




The outputs and outcomes achieved via the contract for the provision of community engagement activities for the Building Confidence in Coalville Project be noted.