
Issue - meetings

Draft Community Engagement Strategy

Meeting: 26/01/2015 - Community Engagement Strategy Task and Finish Group (Item 23)

23 Draft Community Engagement Strategy pdf icon PDF 404 KB

To finalise the Draft Community Engagement Strategy to be presented to Policy Development Group.


The Stronger and Safer Team Manager referred to the agreed changes to the Strategy, as set out in the minutes of the previous meeting.  She advised that the agreed changes had now been made to the Strategy.  In respect of the discussion regarding measuring success, she reminded Members that it had been agreed that measuring customer satisfaction was not necessarily indicative of how successful the Council was at engaging with customers.  She advised that an annual report would now be produced which would detail how many consultations had taken place, which method had been utilised and how many people had responded to the consultation, which would enable officers to assess what was most effective.  She added that the respondents’ demographics should also be recorded to assist in identifying which groups were not being engaged with.  She envisaged that this annual report would be published on the Council’s website.


Councillor V Richichi asked if there was any other way this could be advertised, as many older people did not use the internet.


The Stronger and Safer Team Manager stated that press releases could be issued relating to good news stories.


Councillor V Richichi commented that the Council should also show gratitude to those who had responded to a consultation.


Councillor S Sheahan felt that this should be a matter of protocol rather than set out in the strategy document.  He added that officers may want to offer a small prize, for example.  He commented that the appropriate method of consultation should be selected accordingly to achieve the maximum possible response.


Councillor D Everitt commented that it would be useful if it could be made clear to residents which authority was responsible for what.


Councillor V Richichi commented that updates should be communicated to respondents.


Councillor S Sheahan felt that the annual report should go to the Scrutiny Committee.  He commented that this might need to be incorporated into a portfolio area or a champion may need to be appointed.


The Stronger and Safer Team Manger stated that it would be appropriate for her to report on this issue at Scrutiny as she managed the team that undertook most of the face to face engagement.


Councillor S Sheahan commented that it would be beneficial for a Member to take responsibility for this issue.


The Stronger and Safer Team Manager agreed to send the version of the strategy showing the changes made to Councillor T Neilson.


Councillors V Richichi and S Sheahan welcomed the work done on the strategy.


It was moved by Councillor V Richichi, seconded by Councillor S Sheahan and




a)        The Draft Community Engagement Strategy be approved.


b)        An annual report be produced itemising the consultations undertaken each year, and this report be submitted to Policy Development Group for consideration.

Meeting: 08/12/2014 - Community Engagement Strategy Task and Finish Group (Item 5.)

5. Draft Community Engagement Strategy

To finalise the Draft Community Engagement Strategy to be presented to Policy Development Group.