Agenda item

Capital Projects Update

Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager


The Leisure Services Manager updated Members on the progress of the 2019/20 Capital Projects as detailed in the report.


Coalville Park

In response to a question from Councillor J Geary in relation to the use of funding and the ongoing maintenance costs, the Leisure Services Team Manager advised that the S106 money must be used on the park but felt that the concern was valid as the amount to deliver the project was great. Councillor J Legrys advised that he had attended the meeting of the Friends of Coalville Park group and that they had put a lot of work in to become a charitable group and they were aware of the situation. He felt that there was a lot of enthusiasm to improve that park and that it should not be squashed. Members agreed to have a presentation from the group at the next meeting to gain a better understanding of the project and proposals.


Coalville in Bloom 2020

Councillor M B Wyatt noted that a report would be brought to the December meeting but advised that if Members wished to progress the project an application could be submitted to Bardon Aggregates, but it would require submitting in November. He advised Members that the current proposal was to work with the Coalville Community Action Group to create a pot of money to progress the idea.


Wild Flower Planting Areas

Councillors expressed concerns that wild flower planting was a lovely idea but felt that out of season the areas may look a mess. Councillor A Black felt that trees would be more suitable as they would hide new buildings and help with drainage. It was noted that proposals would come back to a future meeting.



The Leisure Services Team Manager drew Members attention to paragraph 1.12 CSE Assets and advised that the three areas had day to day maintenance met from the revenue budget however there were no asset management plans in place to identify when major works would be required and the financial commitment needed. He reminded Councillors that as members of the Working Party they were responsible for ensuring that appropriate asset protection funds were available. It was noted that officers were developing Asset Management Plans so that Members could make informed decisions and recommendations to Cabinet. It was hoped to bring the plans to the December meeting.


The Leisure Services Manager also highlighted to the working party that at a previous meeting they had recommended to Cabinet that £15,000 of external funding be approved to upgrade the play equipment at the Oval Play Area in Bardon, however Cabinet could not support the recommendation and requested that the funding be allocated to a play area with higher priority needs. Following discussions with the Finance team and the development of the Asset Management Plan, it was suggested that Members looked at earmarking the external funding until such time that some play area equipment was in need of replacement and therefore helping to remove some financial pressure from the expenses.


Following a question from Councillor J Geary, the Head of Community Services advised Members that the toilets at Memorial Square were a Council wide asset not the responsibility of the Special Expenses.


Play Area Maintenance

Councillor M B Wyatt requested that the funding still be used to upgrade the Oval Play Area as it had been supported by all members of the group. He recommended that it went back to Cabinet for approval.


Cropston Drive Recreation Ground Changing Pavilion

Members noted the repairs that were required to the Cropston Drive Recreation Ground Changing Pavilion following persistent accessing and vandalising and as such the health and safety issues that had arisen due to the roof being beyond repair. Members were requested to allocate up to £10,000 out of the asset protection budget to cover either the full cost of the repair or the insurance excess.


In response to a question from Councillor D Everitt, the Leisure Services Team Manager advised that he was not aware of any charges having been brought in relation to the vandalism. Councillor M B Wyatt suggested that an application be put into Bardon Aggregate for the funding required to repair the roof. The Leisure Services Manager advised that it could be done however the exact amount required was not yet known.


Scotlands Bowls Pavilion

Councillor M B Wyatt stated that he would like to progress the project and asked for an idea of the cost. The Leisure Services Team Manager advised that officers were waiting for the assessment to be completed.


Cutting of Grass Verges

Councillors requested that a report be brought to a future meeting in relation to the ongoing maintenance and funding of additional cuts of grass verges along both Ashby Road and Bardon Road. Councillor J Legrys advised that following the intervention of the Local County Councillor and discussions with Councillor E Allman, the grass verges along Ashby Road had been tided however it would not be long before there were out of control again. Councillor M B Wyatt advised that LCC were considering alterations to Ashby Road and possibly the verges but until it was confirmed it would not be right to agree. He also advised caution as residents could end up paying both LCC and NWL to maintain the same land. The report was still requested.


Councillor M B Wyatt presented a suggestion of an Art Corridor to the Working Party. He showed examples of the corridors in other areas and advised the Members that schools could design the kites, balloons etc and felt that Needhams Walk would be the perfect location. He advised that funding would be needed to secure the poles etc but it would be unique to the area and then could be themed as the year progressed. He requested that a report be brought to the next meeting.


The Cultural Services Team Manger advised that she could not commit to having the report ready for the next meeting due to time and staffing constraints, but would bring to a future meeting.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor J Geary and




1)    The progress update on the 2019/20 Capital Projects be noted


2)    The work of the Friends of Coalville Park Group be noted and in principal support the proposal to improve the paly equipment using S106 and external funding.


3)    The Friends of Coalville Park Group be invited to the next meeting to present the improvement proposals.


4)    The allocation of up to £10,000 from Asset Protection budgets to cover either the insurance excess of the full cost of repairing the roof at Cropston Drive Recreation Ground changing pavilion due to health and safety issues.




5)    Cabinet agree the allocation of £15,714 external funding to upgrade the equipment at the Oval Play area in Bardon as previously recommended and supported by the Working Party.



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