Agenda item

Agenda item

Draft List of Local Heritage Assets

Report of the Strategic Director of Place.


The Senior Conservation Officer presented the report to members and gave a presentation outlining the 10 themes in total, four of which were being brought forward for consultation, and highlighting the assets included on the draft list for public consultation. 


In response to a question from Councillor J Bridges, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that through the public consultation it was hoped to identify any buildings that had been overlooked which fit the themes set out in the draft list, and to identify assets for the other themes to be incorporated at a later stage. 


In response to a question from Councillor R Ashman, the Senior Conservation Officer referred members to page 80 of the agenda which set out which Anglican clergy houses had already been added to the statutory list.  In respect of suburban and small country houses, the Senior Conservation Officer acknowledged that there was a large list of houses to consider and it was likely that some had been overlooked.  He added that the public consultation was the correct forum to highlight those which had been omitted. 


In response to comments made by Councillor R Johnson, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that in respect of places of worship, any built before 1751 were listed buildings and as such were protected.  He added that St Mary’s Church at Hugglescote and Donington le Heath Manor House were listed buildings.  He explained that the aim of the document was to identify those assets which were currently unlisted. 


Councillor R Adams commended the document and thanked the Senior Conservation Officer for his work. 


In response to questions from Councillor N Smith, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that officers had not been able to identify a date for the rectories at Packington, Ravenstone and Stretton and he hoped further information would be brought to light during the public consultation. 

Pinfolds and lock ups would come under one of the themes to be included at a later date. 


In response to questions from Councillor M Specht, the Senior Conservation Officer referred members to the table of cemeteries set out on page 15.  He advised that the London Road cemetery was not of the same quality as the Ashby cemetery which was of a similar date; there were no cemetery buildings at the site and the boundary wall had been demolished.  He added that he was aware of the war grave at the cemetery which was afforded protection.  He explained that the public consultation was the correct forum to bring this forward for further consideration. 


Councillor M Specht referred to the communal bake house on in Coleorton dating to 1883.  He advised that an attempt had been made to have this listed which had not been successful.  He explained that this asset was in great danger as it was in a garden, and if the property changed hands it could be demolished.  He advise that the current occupant was in full agreement to sign the asset over to the Parish Council and he would like to see it protected.   The Senior Conservation Officer hoped to bring this forward in a future theme. 


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi, the Senior Conservation Officer explained that inclusion of an asset on the list did not remove permitted development rights, however if a planning permission was submitted for a property on a local list it would be a material planning consideration.  He added that having a list in place was preferable to identifying assets on an ad hoc basis.  In the future, members could also seek to provide greater protection to heritage assets through the use of Article 4 directions whereby permitted development rights were removed. 


Councillor J Bridges welcomed this approach as he felt that the automatic removal of permitted development rights could cause greater issues. 


In response to a comment from Councillor J G Coxon, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that the aim of the draft list was to identify the war memorials erected in the immediate aftermath of World War I, and as such modern war memorials had not been identified.  He agreed that this context could be made clearer in the report. 


In response to a question from Councillor J Bridges regarding the protection afforded to war memorials, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that a database of memorials was maintained by Leicestershire County Council, however war memorials were not protected unless they were listed.  He added that he felt war memorials in North West Leicestershire were underrepresented. 


In response to questions from Councillors D Harrison and R Adams, it was clarified that details of listed buildings were available on the Council’s website and was listed by parish. 


Councillor J Bridges suggested that members also contact their parish councils who may have further information. 


In response to comments from Councillor A C Saffell, the Senior Conservation Officer felt that there was merit in considering the assets at Donington Park as a group. 


In response to a question from Councillor N Smith, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that pumps would come under the theme of gardens, parks and urban spaces which would be considered as part of a future exercise. 


In response to comments from Councillor N Smith, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that whilst it was not in the scope of this particular exercise, consideration was being given to a review of conservation areas and the removal of permitted development rights where appropriate. 


In response to a question from Councillor R Johnson, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that turnpikes would come under the theme of parks and urban spaces infrastructure.


In response to a question from Councillor D Everitt, the Senior Conservation Officer advised that areas such as the old plateway could be brought forward as part of a list of transport buildings. 


Councillor A C Saffell made reference to the Castle Donington village appraisal of around 100 buildings that were not listed.  He asked about their status. 


The Senior Conservation Officer advised that this list could be brought forward as part of a future theme on pre-Victorian dwellings.  He added that a review of the Castle Donington conservation area was planned in the coming year.


It was moved by Councillor J G Coxon, seconded by Councillor R Adams and




The public consultation regarding the draft list of local heritage assets be noted and supported.


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