Agenda item

Agenda item

Outcomes of the Local Plan Issues Consultation

Report of the Strategic Director of Place.


The Planning Policy Team Leader presented the report to members, drawing their attention to the review of the Local Plan which was required to commence within 3 months of adoption.  He advised that an issues consultation had taken place in February, to which 72 responses had been received.  He referred members to section 3.1 of the report which summarised the responses.  He advised that many of the issues raised during the consultation were already being addressed, however a number of representations had suggested that the scope of the review should be wider than officers had intended due to the revisions to the NPPF.  He added that taking into account some of the decisions made which were contrary to the Local Plan since its adoption suggested that there were some issues of the Local Plan which concerned members.  He advised that there was now an opportunity for members to comment on which policies should be reviewed in more detail, and all members would be consulted on this shortly.  He advised however that there would be implications for the timetable if a wider review was undertaken than originally anticipated.  He added that if the Local Plan was not submitted within 2 years of the commencement of the review, the Local Plan would be deemed to be out of date and as such there were consequences of extending the review.  He drew members’ attention to the appendix to the report which summarised the representations made and the officer responses. 


Councillor J Bridges welcomed the review and commented that some areas had specific needs which should be captured.


Councillor A C Saffell stated that a better relationship between job creation and the housing types being built was required.  He referred to the disparity in his area between the distribution jobs that were available which paid less than £25k, and the houses being built which were unaffordable at £150k.  He added that the majority of people working in those distribution jobs did not live in the immediate area and the people living in the area were travelling out.  He stated that consequently the roads were congested and this also affected local businesses who could not receive deliveries.  He felt that a more strategic view ought to be taken in terms of relating employment and housing more closely. 


Councillor V Richichi asked whether the completion date of this review would be affected by the memorandum of understanding.  The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that this could have a knock on effect in terms of the content and timing of the review.  He added that unfortunately this issue was not in the Council’s control however the situation would be kept under review. 


Councillor J Bridges expressed his view that the Local Plan should be submitted regardless of delays in progress with the memorandum of understanding.  The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that members may also need to consider building in additional flexibility in this case. 


Councillor R Johnson commented on the lack of open spaces in his village, which were important for health, and the lack of infrastructure in terms of roads and services.  He felt this needed to be looked at.


Members made comments relating to schemes for building affordable housing for key workers.  The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that the issue of affordable housing did need to be reconsidered in a general sense, and this could include schemes for key workers. 


Councillor M Specht expressed concerns regarding the issue of organic growth in villages, particularly in respect of Coleorton.  He also expressed concerns about the lack of a self-build policy.  He commented that his understanding was that the Local Plan Committee was to be a decision making body and he felt these issues should be brought forward as agenda items. 


The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that the Local Plan review was not yet at the stage where such decisions could be made.  He added that he was aware of members’ concerns relating to the organic growth of villages and advised that officers hoped to understand the concerns through the questionnaire referred to previously and address them in the review.  He added that the matter of self builds and discounted housing needed to be considered as part of the affordable housing issue. 


Councillor N Smith felt that clarify was needed on the issue of self-build as he felt this was being utilised as a tool for developers. 


Councillor R Johnson felt that a policy was needed to address the issue of bungalows. 


It was moved by Councillor D Harrison, seconded by Councillor V Richichi and




The comments received on the recent Local Plan issues consultation, and officers’ responses to these comments be noted.   


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