Agenda item

Agenda item

2018/19 Quarter 2 Performance Management Report

Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development


The Strategic Director of Place presented the report to members, drawing their attention to the performance summary set out in the report and the exception report at Appendix 1. 


In response to questions from Councillor S Sheahan, the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services advised that the allocation of newly built  homes could only be restricted to a particular town or village if the new development was classified as a rural exception site.  Otherwise the property would be let to anyone on the housing register, and it was necessary to prove a connection to North West Leicestershire in order to join the housing register. 


Councillor S Sheahan expressed concerns regarding Queensway House in Measham, in particular regarding negotiations with the adjacent site and the risk of the site becoming derelict.  He requested that prompt action be taken. 


The Head of Housing and Customer Services agreed to provide an update with more detail to Councillor S Sheahan. 


In response to questions from Councillor S Sheahan, the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services advised that an architect had been employed to look at the design of the next phase of the off street parking improvement programme at Ridgeway Road, Ashby.  It was not yet known how many parking spaces would be created. 


In response to a question from Councillor S Sheahan, the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services advised that the overall delivery of affordable housing and the housing need for the district was set out in the Local Plan.  He reminded members that the housing need was being reviewed as part of the review of the Local Plan. 


Councillor S Sheahan commented on the high level of sicknesses relating to back pain and asked how much of this was preventable.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development advised that it was not currently known what percentage of illnesses involving back pain were work related.  He agreed to provide this information in future reports.  He added that manual handling training was provided for employees where relevant.


In response to a question from Councillor S Sheahan, the Strategic Director of Place advised that the work at Moira Furnace was focussed on the furnace itself and considering the use of the wider site to support the furnace.  He added that this project was at a very early stage. 


In response to questions from Councillor V Richichi, the Strategic Director of Place advised that a mid-point review had been completed regarding the shop front improvements scheme which would be considered by Cabinet.  He explained that confidence in Coalville was measured through feedback from residents and traders, the partnerships in place and the success of events, including the communications and press releases issued. 


Councillor T Eynon welcomed the level of data in the report.  She commended the Head of Customer Services and felt it was clear that things were moving in the right direction.  She commented that according to Leicestershire County Council’s data, there was a need to boost specialist / affordable housing delivery across the market area.  


Councillor N Clarke thanked officers for providing the Health and Safety data he had requested.  He felt it would be useful to compare this with historical data to see if the trends were in the right direction.  He added that it would be useful to put this into context regarding the percentage of staff affected and to attach costs to some of the avoidable incidents.   


In response to a question from Councillor M Specht, the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services outlined some of the criteria in the housing allocations policy, in particular the need to demonstrate a local connection to North West Leicestershire, and advised that numbers on the housing register had remained stable and so he was confident this was not being abused. 




The Quarter 2 Performance Management Report be noted.


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