Agenda item

Agenda item

2017/18 Events Update

Report of the Cultural Services Team Manager


The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report and informed Members that all events had cost less to run this year, therefore the overall budget was underspent.  She advised that the Proms and Picnic in the Park event had been shortlisted for a Leicestershire Tourism and Hospitality Award and an update would be sent to Members in due course.  Members thanked officers for the work undertaken on a fantastic event.


Coalville by the Sea

The event was very successful with an estimated 1000 people in attendance.  Due to the popularity of the event and feedback received, the feasibility of extending the event was being considered for future years. The relocation back to Marlborough Square was also being considered.


Councillor M Specht thanked officers for their work on the event and also thanked the sponsor for the donation of the sand.  Councillor J Legrys concurred.


Christmas is Coalville

Planning was well underway and the Council was leading on all key elements, following agreement to this arrangement with the Coalville Town Team.  It was confirmed that there would be free parking on the five Saturdays in December.  It was reported that the food, drink and craft element would be different this year with more emphasis on placing stalls around the Christmas tree area in the precinct, along with music, entertainment and competitions. 


Councillor M B Wyatt asked if arrangements had been made to utilise Memorial Square as he felt it had been neglected in previous years.  He added that the Red House had offered the use of the car park and he felt it would be good to have some atmosphere at that part of the town.  The Cultural Services Team Manager reported that the area had been considered but they had been conscious of spreading the event too far with regards to the management of the event.  She felt that the market and its car park was a good main attraction area that was safe.  Councillor M B Wyatt expressed his frustration at the response as he believed that Memorial Square was an important part of town and should be utilised.  The Cultural Service Team Manager agreed to look into options available.


Councillor M Specht felt that it would be a good area to use especially with the cooperation of the Red House.  He suggested that a band such as the Salvation Army or a choir could perform in the area.  The Cultural Services Team Manager confirmed that a brass band were performing in the town centre and agreed to look into the possibility of locating them to Memorial Square.


Christmas Lights

The lights were scheduled for installation which included the additional items approved by Cabinet on 19 September.


Coalville Commemorates

Members met on site at Memorial Square to discuss ideas for a commemorative artwork  on 13 September, the outcome of which was the following three options:


Option 1 – an interpretive mosaic

Option 2 – commemorative benches

Option 3 – a cross made from gun metal located in the ‘Remembrance Garden’


Councillor J Legrys moved option 3 and it was seconded by Councillor R Adams. 


The Chairman felt that it was important to have something in place that would last another 100 years and after seeing a gun metal cross, he believed it would be very fitting.  It would also include engravings.  Councillor D Everitt commented that it was the simplicity of it that was appealing and felt it was appropriate in all ways.  Councillor J Legrys commented that a large quantity of gun metal was being unearthed in Belgium and it would be nice to have that specific material if possible.  The Chairman added that the cost would be more than the £2000 originally budgeted for the project but officers would investigate further and provide Members with some costings.


Councillor M B Wyatt felt strongly that the proposal was a waste of money considering the other things that required funding.  He believed that something more meaningful could be installed that did not cost such a large amount of money.


It was moved by Councillor M Specht, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




a)   The progress update on 2017/18 events be noted.


b)   The initial proposals  for 2018/19 events be noted


c)   Officers investigate further into the procurement of a gun metal cross to be located in the Remembrance Garden at Memorial Square and report the progress at the next meeting.


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