Agenda item

17/00284/OUT: Erection of one self build dwelling (outline - means access and layout for approval)

Barn Farm Babelake Street Packington Ashby De La Zouch Leicestershire LE65 1WD


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr S Bradwell, agent, addressed the Committee.  He stressed that it was a self build project for a genuine family need to ensure the operation of the farm.  He explained that the farm had been in the same family for four generations and the proposed dwelling would allow the applicant’s son to be on site at all times instead of travelling each day.  Mr S Bradwell stated that the area was full of sporadic development and therefore would not stand out, plus it would be well screened by an existing hedgerow.  He explained that the proposed dwelling could not be sited on the opposite side of the bungalow as it would impact on the everyday operation of the farm.  He concluded that a much bigger dwelling had been approved on the opposite side of the road and it was difficult to see how a different recommendation was given to a similar application.


Councillor G Jones moved that the application be permitted on the grounds that it was a necessity to maintain the operation of the farm to keep it in the family and would lead to a reduction in traffic due to the applicant’s son not having to commute. It was seconded by Councillor J Hoult. 


Councillor J Legrys commented that he did not support the motion and agreed with the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.  He raised concerns regarding the number of applications for self builds or agricultural need being considered by the Committee, especially as he suspected that in many cases a contractor would be brought in.  He added that the site was outside the limits to development and he therefore trusted the officer’s opinion.


Councillor J G Coxon commented that there was no real statement of need for this dwelling within the report and asked if anything had been submitted by the applicant.  The Planning and Development Team Manager responded that there had not been anything submitted by the applicant with regards to an agricultural assessment.  He added that as he understood it, the applicant’s son did not assist his father with the operation of the farm on a full time basis as he had another occupation.


Councillor D Harrison commented that during the site visit he could see the requirement for assistance with the operation of the farm.  He stated that the Committee permitted many applications such as this one which were judged on individual merits, therefore he believed that there was a real need which should be seriously considered.  He felt it was important to think of the people that Members represented and that the applicant needed support.


Councillor D Everitt supported the officer’s recommendation because he felt that if the applicant really was in need then the relevant evidence should have been provided.  As the application stood, he believed the officer’s had done a good job and their recommendation should be supported.


Councillor R Canny raised concerns of setting a precedent by granting permission as she believed it would encourage more applications in the area in future which could result in ribbon development. She also stated that the submitted Local Plan could now be given more weight.


The motion to permit the application was put to the vote.


A recorded vote having been requested by Councillor J Legrys, the voting was as follows:


For the motion:

Councillors D Harrison, J Hoult, G Jones and V Richichi (4).


Against the motion:

Councillors R Adams, J Bridges, R Canny, J G Coxon, D Everitt, R Johnson, J Legrys, P Purver, M Specht, and D J Stevenson (10).





The motion was declared LOST.


The Chairman then put the officer’s recommendation to the vote.




The application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Regeneration.

Supporting documents: