Agenda item

Agenda item

Housing Strategy - Outline Draft

Report of the Director of Housing


The Housing Choices Team Manager presented the report to Members.


Councillor S McKendrick queried the housing stock figure detailed within the report as she had recently been given a different figure by officers.  The Head of Housing agreed to check the figure and confirm with Councillor S McKendrick.


In response to a further question from Councillor S McKendrick, the Head of Housing reassured Members that before any changes were made to the older person’s service, the wider networks which the service would rely on, would be consulted. 


Councillor N Smith asked if there were enough care home places to deal with the aging population and if the Council has any input.  The Head of Housing reported that it was not within the Council’s provision to have an input on care homes, however it did have a role through extra care housing which provided a lower level of care but higher support.  This bridges the gap between housing and care homes and is something that is currently being developed.


In response to a further question from Councillor N Smith, the Director of Housing stated that if the area was given an allocation of refugees to house, it could be possible to make the empty flats habitable quickly.  The Council was currently waiting for confirmation on what was required nationally and the Leader of the Council wanted to do what was necessary to support the crisis.  Councillor N Smith suggested that the preliminary work be carried out now so that it would be less work if housing was required.  The Director of Housing took the comment on board.


Councillor T Eynon made the following comments:


-     She found it helpful that the problems were highlighted within the strategy but was disappointed that there were no solutions.

-     The supply and support information was useful but there should be outcomes.  Councillor T Eynon hoped that as the strategy developed measures would be included not targets.

-     More information such as waiting lists and affordable homes numbers broken down would be helpful to see regularly.

-     Councillor T eynon was pleased to see the green energy section.

-     Councillor T Eynon felt that a ‘sustainable’ section was missing from the strategy.

-     As a lot of housing benefit was being spent in the private renting section, Councillor T Eynon would like to see a reduction in the benefit allocated.


The Housing Choices Team Manager clarified that there would be more detailed outcomes and measures included within the strategy as it progressed.


Councillor S McKendrick supported Councillor T Enyon’s comments regarding the importance of introducing measures as she felt it was important to monitor.


Councillor G Geary asked what would happen to the service if the new homes bonus was withdrawn or drastically reduced.  The Head of Finance reassured Members that the funding had already been promised by national Government; however the Council did hold money in its reserves.  This money would cover the withdrawn amount for approximately one year and in this time alternative plans for the budget would need to be developed with savings found.  He recognised the dependency on the new homes bonus but explained that if it was not used how it was currently; savings would need to be found immediately.


Councillor A C Saffell also expressed concerns regarding the use of the new homes bonus as it was originally promised for new homes and after restrictions being relaxed was now used to support services, which would cause issues when withdrawn.  He believed that a small increase in council tax would help bring more money into the Authority and he was struggling to justify why this had not already been done.


Councillor D Harrison believed that it was a good strategy and did not agree with Councillor A C Saffell’s suggestion of an increase in council tax as the promise to not burden people with more tax was a good one.




The comments provided by the Committee be considered by Cabinet when it meets to discuss the Housing Strategy.

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