Issue - meetings
Authority for additional spend to complete the Digital Transformation Project
Meeting: 06/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 111)
Report of the Director of Housing
Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder
The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to members, which sought support for the ongoing transformation programme to improve online services for customers. He highlighted the benefits in terms of cost savings and staff time of online customer interaction.
It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and
a) The additional allocated funds of £48,000 from reserves and the variation of the delivery contract with Firmstep to include the items set out in paragraph 2.3 be approved to ensure phase one of the programme is delivered.
b) The allocated funds totalling between £155,000 - £180,000 be approved for phase two of the programme to be delivered, and that this expenditure be attributed to the Housing Revenue Account (51.5% of cost) and General Fund reserves (48.5% of cost)
c) Authority be delegated to the Director of Housing in consultation with the Corporate Portfolio Holder to award a contract to Firmstep through the G-Cloud framework for the delivery of phase two.
d) It be noted that further updates will be brought to Cabinet as the programme progresses.
Reason for decision: To ensure Members are aware of the additional cost to complete Phase One and the cost to complete Phase Two.
The additional costs takes the contract value above the £100,000 threshold which requires Cabinet approval.
Without the additional investment to complete Phase One, this would jeopardise the scheduled “go live” date of 19 April 2018, as well as non-completion of online services for key areas, where efficiency savings are to be made.
Without the additional investment to complete Phase One, this would cause a delay in the launch of the new internet web site, as both projects are intrinsically linked to provide an improved customer experience, which is part of the customer first strategy.
To authorise the procurement of Firmstep to deliver Phase Two of the Digital Transformation Programme.